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21 JULY 20xx,

I run down the stairs as fast as I can in this light blue heavy lehnga. This is not my choice in the first place but Diya Didi's mother gifted me this because we have a tradition to buy clothes for all the siblings and cousins. She requested me to wear this at her daughter's wedding so I ended up in this. The front neck of the blouse is a deep V giving a view of my cleavage. Two strips are holding the back of the blouse and I don't know how much I can trust them. I tie the skirt on my navel but it is still low enough to show a good amount of my stomach. Damn these clothes. I look like a fucking slut showing too much skin. Don't get me wrong but I don't like wearing revealing clothes at all. I pin the duppata on both my shoulders and let it drop at my front. At least it is giving a sheer view not a clear one. It's not like my body doesn't look good in this but still I'm not a great fan of showing my curves that I hate the most. My red and brown hairs are in soft curls that are flowing around my back when I run down the last stair while holding the lehnga with one hand and my phone with another, I open the front door of my car and speed off to the place I belong to. To the person I belong to. To my Doctor Ajeeb. I can't let this wedding happen. He is mine all mine. If it takes me to kidnap him and make him mine then I'm a willing kidnapper. Fuck, everything I want him and will have him.

I remember the conversation I had with Diya di a few moments back while we both were getting ready in the parlour. She doesn't want this wedding. She doesn't love Harsh and I don't let him live in a love less marriage. I don't care about anything anymore but only myself. I don't care if I'm being selfish. He will be mine by hook or crook.

I don't even know how many red lights I skipped and at which speed I'm driving but I come to a halt just in front of his balcony. I had never been to his house before but know where it is. I don't know if I'm making the right decision or not but I have a gut feeling that the balcony above me is attached to his room. This is the only way to enter because the front door is not an option. I don't want an audience for what I'm going to do. This is my only chance and I have to do this. I climb the front of my car and then move to the roof. The height of the balcony is still 1 feet high even if I outstrech my hand above my head. Fuck my height. The most scary thing is if somebody sees me here I'm so dead. The pole right beside his balcony caught my attention. The idea is scary but at the same time I love adventures and this one will be worth it. At least I will have a unique story to narrate to our children where heroin is the one who climbs the pole just to meet her hero.

Taking a deep breath I carefully move to the pole still on my car's roof. I hold the skirt of my lehnga and pull it up till it meets the end of my blouse so I will not trip over that piece of cloth and tighten the knot. As my feet come to the view, I realise I'm not wearing any shoes. Holding the pole in a death grip I put my right foot on the brick that is slightly pulled out than the other ones. I have a plus point here. The walls of their house have a brick design where some bricks are pulled out than the others. Carefully keeping my feet on the pulled out bricks I push my body up still gripping the pole with my dear life. The second I reach his balcony, I hold the railing and pull my body up. "Finally, Great Ilahi keep it up." I let out a heavy sigh while praising myself. I adjust the skirt and duppata again before opening the door which is surprisingly unlocked. As I enter the room carefully, I couldn't see anyone. Is it a spare room or something? I was confused for a second and roam my eyes to check again. My head snap to the left the second I heard the sound of someone walking out of the probably bathroom. Hiding behind a curtain I try to see who the intruder is.

"It's time Harsh. Now you can't back out. You have to do this and you can." I heard the voice that is capable of making my heart beat to stop.

"Why do you want to back out?" I said without wasting a single more second and make my presence known to him. I walk halfway through the room and stop at the edge of his bed. Shock is clear on his beautiful manly features and I take a minute to admire how handsome he is looking in the light pink shervani he is wearing. I don't like pink but I think I will love it after seeing him in it. He is looking as hot as a vessel and as cute as a baby with a confused look on his sexy features. Babaji I know I don't deserve this Greek God but who cares. He is mine.

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