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10 FEBRUARY 20xx,

"Mummy! I am taking these bags with me and going downstairs. Lock the doors and then come down as soon as possible please." I yelled while picking up the bags.

"Call SMRITI and ask her, did they reach?" Mummy said while combing her hairs. I hate to see her face this blank without any lipstick and bindi. Looking at her like this break my heart but she said that she will wear them when she will be ready and I respect her decision.

"I will call her downstairs. You hurry up, bro" well, bro is my pet word. I use it like hell. I once called my ex-boyfriend, bro and his face was epic.

We live on third floor. As I reach the 1st floor Chachi saw me and asked "Where are you going?"

"Mammi house" I replied and walk downstairs. I don't like my father's side family they are just fake and manipulative people. Specially my eldest Badi mama. I never believed in hating anyone because hate is a very strong or big word but I can say I hate her. She hurt my Mummy after my Papa left. I hate that woman with every fibre of mine. I don't like my Chachi and Chachu as well. My Papa and Chachu had a same business, he always took advantage of my Papa. My Papa was a very great man, I can never believe a person as innocent as him ever existed. I remember when Chachu told my Papa to separate business and he was so heart broken. Mummy always say that my Chachu is the reason my Papa died but I don't want to blame anyone for anything because I can see the guilt in his eyes of losing his brother but no guilt can change the truth. It was all destiny. My Papa has 3 brothers and a sister and I don't like anyone of them. Though they helped us a lot during the time my dad was hospitalised but it can never change my feelings towards them. I can just say I don't like them a bit less now.

"Did you book the cab?" Mummy asked coming down from the stairs.

"Yes! I did, it will come in two minutes" I replied her while checking my phone for any updates of the cab.

The cab reached in exactly two minutes. After settling down in the car I told Mummy that massi already reached there. I am not that excited to go there actually after my dad I am not excited for anyone or anything. My life changed 360° I don't like anything; I don't hate anything and the worst thing is I don't feel anything. I just laugh or smile because of my Mummy but I am not feeling any emotions right now. There are a lot of things on my mind. My Mummy's health, financial bills, new job, and over them I already enrolled for my MBA. I thought to drop it but it was my father's last wish to fulfil my dream and be a person he could never be. These things are not letting me sleep but there is someone, who is keeping me calm. His eyes are the only thing keeping me grounded. I don't know a single thing about him unless his name or the fact that he is a doctor. But still, he is keeping me alive without him knowing. The hope of meeting him again is keeping me alive.


After dinner, playing cards, talking nonstop and stealing a t-shirt from Rohit's wardrobe, we all were tired and lay on our beds. Well beds mean on the floor above our quilts because when we 5 meet we become so stubborn to sleep together that we all end up on floor. We sleep together most of the times to scare SMRITI, she is such a drama queen and even get scared with a scream. We always prank her. It's 2:00 a.m. everyone is sleeping except for me and SMRITI, it is our time to talk and share secrets without anyone eavesdropping.

"Well, how is life going Didi?" SMRITI asked with concern. She is my favourite cousin because we both can share anything to each other without any fear of being judged.

"Basic. Just trying to find a job. Nothing new" I replied to her looking at the ceiling. My mind is miles away from this conversation.

"I am sure you will find it" she faced me folding her elbow and keeping her head on her hand while looking at me.

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