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30 AUGUST 20xx,

"Please don't." I whisper lowly as tears fell down from my eyes. I grab a hold of his arm to stop him from leaving me like everyone does.

"You can't do this with me, please! I beg you don't leave." I literally beg in front of him but his eyes remain cold and unbothered.

"Why would I not? Give me one damn reason." Harsh said not even looking at me.

"Because I love you" I said looking at him with my teary eyes. After a lot of effort I mustered the courage to look at him to stop him, to confess to him.

"Love? How funny. And you really think that I will love you back? Oh please! Just look at you and look at me. I am an educated well-maintained person and you!" he said pointing his finger at me. My heart breaks as I see the look of shame in his eyes. "Look how clumsy you are. You are nothing in comparison to me. Where will you stand in my family? You can never be my perfect match because she is" a girl walked out of nowhere. She has perfect blue-grey eyes with a fair colour and perfect hourglass body. Muskan? She indeed is more perfect than me.

I fell on my knees as he walked away with her.

"No!" I screamed as I woke up from my nightmare. Taking a deep breath I move out of the bed while taking my phone with me. I have had nightmares since the age of 6. I should be used to it but I'm not. It always scares me. And as always I'm not able to sleep for 3 hours now. I walked out on the balcony with the blanket, Diya di gave me the first night I slept on the balcony. I don't know why but that blanket feels extra cozy than any other. It smells like something familiar. It feels like home. And for some reason I know this is not a resort blanket. I will ask Diya di if I can keep it with me.

I gently close the door of the balcony and throw the blanket on the chair. I looked around me as I had a weird creepy feeling. As if someone is looking at me. But there is no one so I just decided to drop it. Closing my eyes I tilt my head upwards feeling the breeze and hold the railing for support. After a moment an image flashed in my eyes and I instantly opened them. 3 days. It's been three fucking days and I still can't keep that image out of my mind. Why do I even care if he was kissing her?


26 AUGUST 20xx,

"She mentioned my ex." I said fidgeting with my fingers. I don't know why I told Tushar everything but I did. The way he just confessed his feelings about his parents and the vulnerability in his eyes at that time just stirred something in me. This man is broken and I will give every ounce of myself to help him come out of that dark pit, he threw himself in. He called me his family so as a family, I know I have to protect him as well as I can trust him. "I had some bad history with my ex boyfriend." I look up in his concerned hazel eyes. His eyes are so beautiful but honestly less beautiful than Harsh's dark brown ones.

"See Ilahi I'm not going to ask anything about your ex or anyone. But do you think what she said about Harsh is true?" He asks and my eyes widened. I don't even know if she said all those things to hurt me or if they are true. "Do you believe Harsh just wants to use you?"

"No!" My answer was almost instant. Tushar smiled at it, a genuine smile that made my heartbeat faster. He looks like he knows something I don't. I open my mouth to ask him something, anything but nothing comes out instead he speaks.

"Do you trust him?" His question made my mind go numb. Do I trust him? Yes! No! I don't know? Why the hell this question? If I go back in time, I remember I said I trust him but at that time I didn't know him. I trust him on my instincts. But now when I get to know him. The question is, do I still trust him? He never did anything to break my trust. Well, there was never a situation arises where I had to trust him so how would I know that I trust him or not? I looked up at Tushar from my dilemma and found him smiling mischievously at me.

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