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"Are you okay? Are you sure you don't need to inform your mom?" Ava said over the phone, Kim stared at herself in the mirror of Miran's drawer.

"It's fine, it's not serious... There's nothing to alert her for,"

"Okay... if you insist I won't push, How's Miran?" She asked, Kim looked at the closed door.

The ride to his penthouse was quiet and none of them had said anything about what happened. He hadn't asked her any questions, Kim lowered her head.

"Fine, I guess,"

"I'm sure he thinking a lot, you should talk to him about this, Kimimela... You can't avoid it forever, he has to know," She replied.

Kim nodded, biting her lower lips roughly. "I need some time," she said in a low voice.

"Alright, we'll talk later, then," Ava said, Kim managed a fake smile even though Ava wasn't there, she needed to face Miran and the moment she avoided she to face it, face him, telling him about her father's abusive behaviour.

Kimimela leaned by the entrance of the living room her fingers playing with her thousand of dollars engagement ring back and forth, twisting it and smiling. There he sat playing a rhythm of a hymn, she smiled. It sounded smooth, almost like a professional... The way his head moved to the melody he played. His dark curly hair was damp, he looked like he just stepped out of a shower. He had a baggy short and white round neck.

He stopped and took a deep breath before he continued, stopping again and starting over, Kim cleared her throat but he continued not hearing her. She could tell the event that happened hours ago bothered him.

He paused exhaling loudly.

"I didn't know you play," she said Miran stopped and turned back at her, stunned to see her. "I couldn't find you but I heard something magical," she said with a smile,

"Hey," he whispered, Kim walked closer to him, and stood beside him. "Not often, I can't get a hold of it,"

"You sounded pretty good," she praised.

"A pianist would tell it didn't sound good," He replied, at the keyboards.

"Hmmmm," she licked her lips, Miran looked at her, she looked worried and indecisive. "About today..."

"Kim, it's okay... You don't have to explain-"

"He left before I was born," she spat and tightened her lips, her eyes glued in his. "He left my mom after he found out she was pregnant," she said again, this time louder.

"He left her and got married to an English woman, my mom didn't have anything, she was just seventeen years old and loved and trusted him at that time but he broke her, leaving for the rich English woman. Two years later, she divorced him after finding out about my mom. So, he blamed my mother for his misfortune. My step-grandpa died and his ranch was given to my mom he returned homeless, begging for forgiveness, she took him in because she thought I needed him... You know that saying, 'A growing child needs a father,' but I didn't and he ended up bullying her, and living off her her hard work for years, he would force himself on her when he came home drunk and beat her whenever she fought back..." Kimimela's voice shook, she swallowed hard, blinking and holding her shaky breath, "Again... Again and I could hear her screams every night" She sniffled, forcing her tears back, but the memories only flooded in as she told him, "Again... Again and again, my mother hid it from my Abuela and everyone applying makeup every morning, I'd watch from the window on my way to school until I was fifteen and finally decided to tell my Abuela and she came over and walked in on him hitting her, she called the cops right away, they locked him up and gave a restraining order, but a few months ago he was released, I never want to see him," she began to shiver, Kim turned around, wiping the tears that rolled down her cheek. It wasn't stopping they rolled on their own accord.

Miran slowly stood up and wrapped his hands around her, and his heated body warmed her up. There were no words, he was blank and was not used to comforting someone, but she wasn't anybody, she was the woman he loved, the forever he choose and her story made him want to protect her so more, he never wanted to see her cry again. He knew she needed a hug, perhaps his shoulder, Kim turned around and hugged him, resting her head on his chest.

"It's okay, it's going to be okay," he said, caressing her hair gently.

She did it, she finally opened up to him. He knew her dirtiest secrets, her pain, her weakness. The memory was still fresh to her. The pain, her mother's cry and this made her swear never to trust a man or come too close to a man but Miran... He entered her life and shattered those tall walls she had built and kept strong for years. And even right now, she could feel his warm love towards her.

Kim sniffled, moving backwards, "I am a mess,"

"Hmmmm, don't be silly princess, you are not but if you are then I am more than happy to be with you..." his eyes locked on her teary eyes, "if you don't want to see him, I understand and respect your decision... Whatever you decide, I respect that and I stand with you, remember? We are doing this together," he softened, Kim stared at him speechlessly.

Pablo, she thought. He was the only person she had told apart from Ava and he distanced himself after hearing her story, but Miran. This man made her feel so safe, his love felt like home.

Kim's lips formed a shaky smile that disappeared, "I love you," she whispered, Miran raised a brow at her and they both stared at each in the long silence, "I love you so much," she spat, this time louder, "I love you to pieces, Miran Mayer..." She repeated and threw her hands around his neck before he could reply.

Her kiss was demanding, and passionate and her hands moved around his body, slowly reaching the hem of his white polo and yanking it up, tossing it aside.

Their bodies pressed against each other. Kim did a little jump and he caught her, squeezing her butt hard, his hand moved to her back holding her tightly. Kim wrapped her legs around his waist and her hand around his neck, kissing harder, their tongue searching for each other's, she broke the kiss, staring at him. "What?" He asked, breathlessly.

"Tell me I'm yours," she said cupping his cheek, and pushing her hand into his soft curly hair Miran smiled, filled with excitement.

"You're mine, Kimimela..." She kissed him before he could finish, cupping his cheek desperately for more. "Forever," he finished.

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