Chapter 22: Nothing to do with Me

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Taehyung looked at his son. His own biological son.

Jungkook reached out and patted Siwoon lightly on his head. "Siwoon called me and asked me to come over. Where is Soyi? We will leave once we get Soyi."

Siwoon nodded and then turned around, wanting to go into the house to look for his younger sister.

"CEO Kim, then we will take our leave now," Jungkook said.

Taehyung's hands were clenched tightly in his pockets. He did not have any expression on his face but it seemed like he was hiding something. He looked at Chaeyoung and suddenly said, "Auntie Mao, Chaeyoung is here."

Chaeyoung lifted her head and stared at Taehyung the moment she heard him say 'Auntie Mao'. She had not expected this from him.

Before the person inside could come out, Chaeyoung had already pushed Taehyung aside and ran inside the house.

Jungkook raised his hand slightly as he looked at Chaeyoung who had already run into the house. "CEO Kim, you are really amazing at coming up with these schemes."

"Mr. Jeon, you are being too polite," Taehyung quickly retaliated.

"It seems like CEO Kim finally understood what I meant the other day," Jungkook suddenly said.

Taehyung's expression turned gloomy as he turned around and looked at Jungkook.

"Chaeyoung married me. She is my wife and therefore, she is a member of the Kim family. It does not matter to me what happened with the Bai family or the Park family," Taehyung said in a serious tone. "Furthermore, I don't care about how powerful the Bai family is, as long as they can never extend their reach into Korea. Then it will have nothing to do with me."

"You will protect her then?" Jungkook asked.

"She is my wife," Taehyung replied coldly before walking into the house.

Jungkook raised his brows before he walked into the house.

Chaeyoung was sitting on the sofa, hugging the thin and frail Auntie Mao, with tears falling down her cheeks.

Auntie Mao touched Chaeyoung's face lightly with her wrinkled hand. Tears were also falling down her face. "Good child, it is good that you are back home safely now. Forget about that old and confused woman. She had been so pampered her whole life that she cannot hear and feel what is right anymore."

Auntie Mao was talking about the old mistress. After Auntie Mao woke up from her coma, she had a fight with the old mistress because of Chaeyoung. Their bond that was thicker than blood and that had lasted for a couple of decades was completely broken.

The old mistress returned to the United States, refusing to return.

Taehyung had then persuaded Auntie Mao to stay in Kim Mansion, and he had taken care of her ever since then.

Chaeyoung took a deep breath and held tightly onto Auntie Mao's hand. "For the past few years, I have always wanted to come back and see you, but I was afraid that I would disappoint you."

"How could you disappoint me? Look at these two beautiful children that you have. There are no words that could explain how happy I am right now," Auntie Mao said as she laughed. "Luckily I asked Butler Kim to switch the medicine in the past. How else would you be able to have such beautiful babies?"

Chaeyoung: "..."

Taehyung: "..."

Taehyung turned around to look at Butler Kim who had suddenly gotten very busy looking for something to do.

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