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Chapter 171: The People from the Bai Family Wished They Could Kill You

The first thing that Taehyung saw when he went downstairs was Soyi reaching out for him and crying "daddy".

Chaeyoung continued to cut up the noodles in Soyi's bowl and put it in front of her without looking up. She then went to help her son with his lunch.

Taehyung glanced at Chaeyoung and sat down beside Soyi, picking her little bowl up to start feeding her.

Chaeyoung didn't have to handle her daughter when Taehyung was around, and her son was the kind that she would never have to be worried about.

"Have the invitation cards for the launching of Chae-So Resort been sent out?" Taehyung asked suddenly.

"How would I know? That was not part of my job. Also, wouldn't Mr. Kim be the first to get an invitation card if they had been sent?" Chaeyoung asked as she ate.

Taehyung glanced at Chaeyoung and silently called her a prickly little cactus.

"Have you been to the Bai family's fortress before?" Taehyung asked abruptly.

Chaeyoung's hand that was holding a dish shuddered. When she looked up, Taehyung had carried on feeding his daughter, as if the question was asked casually to start a conversation.

The last time she had been to the Bai family's fortress was six years ago. She has never been there again since.

She was unconscious during her time at the fortress and had never left the room that she was in. The only thing she remembered of the Bai family was a distant figure and nothing else.

"I forgot," Chaeyoung said quietly. "Why are you asking?"

Chaeyoung suddenly remembered the conversation between Wooshik and Taehyung that PA Kim told her. "It is not easy to get into the Bai family's fortress," said Chaeyoung as she looked up.

Taehyung raised his brows. "Not for me," he said emotionlessly.

"The people from the Bai family wish they could kill you," Chaeyoung said through clenched teeth.

"And they are not capable of that," said Taehyung carelessly and continued feeding his daughter after picking out the carrots that Soyi hated.

Chaeyoung looked at what Taehyung was doing in shock. She had tried so hard to make Soyi stop being picky with her food and Taehyung was now making the bad habit come back.

Soyi ate while swinging her little legs. She loved it when her daddy fed her.

Siwoon looked at Taehyung and said, "Soyi needs nutrition and being picky with her food is not going to give her that."

"Brother..." Soyi reached out and tried to stop her brother.

Taehyung did not know what to reply and Chaeyoung let out a snort and waited to see what he would do next.

"No no no, carrots are for rabbits, Soyi won't eat!" Soyi swung her little legs harder in protest.

"You call yourself a father? Don't you know what is best for Soyi?" Siwoon said as he put a spoonful of carrots in Soyi's bowl.

"I don't love you anymore Brother," said Soyi sulkily.

Siwoon stroked his sister's hair smilingly. "I will keep loving you. I would be worried if you fell sick again, unlike someone..."

'That little bastard.' Knowing that the little meatball was referring to him, Taehyung glared at Siwoon .

Taehyung heaved a sigh and began feeding Soyi carrots. His son made it sounded like he didn't care about his daughter's health.

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