chapter one ; fire whiskey.

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"You sure you don't want to come? It could be fun?" Asked Marion.

Both Pansy and Marion had just finished getting ready to go to the boys dorm for a sesh.

They were both wearing cute black pyjama shorts, that fitted around their figure beautifully. As well as pink tank tops, that fitted their torsos perfectly.

"I'm sure, I'd rather be by myself." I stated continuing to read my book.

"Suit yourself." Pansy laughed. "I'm so excited for the boys to meet Rico properly."

The two girls linked arms with each other and headed out the door together. Laughing and squealing.

I wanted to join, but I didn't want to get distracted this year.

Instead, I leant over to my bedside table and opened the second draw, which contained a pack of straights.

I pulled one cigarette out, grabbed a lighter and walked over to the small window in my dorm room.

Parting my lips slightly, I put the cigarette in between my lips, and lit the straight.

Inhale. Exhale.

Eventually, I finished my much needed cigarette, as well as having time to think to myself.

An hour had passed of me moving stuff around my dorm. I was bored.

I had moved printed photos of me and my friends around on my wall, added more, even taken some down.

I also tidied up my bedside table.

And I even tried going to sleep at 10pm. Who goes bed that early? Not me.

I struggled with sleep. I was no where near a morning person. More of a night owl.

I took a hot shower. Done all sorts to help my bored self. But nothing was working.

I thought maybe I should join my friends. Well, it was tradition to do this.

I threw on some grey sweatpants and my Slytherin hoody, and chucked my blonde hair into a messy bun.

And made my way out her dorm room.

I passed the few students in the common room who were gossiping amongst each other.

Finally approaching the boys dorm room, I took a deep breath, opened the door and...

"I knew you'd change your mind!" Marion exclaimed standing up, walking over to me.

Marion grabbed my hand and pulled me to sit next to her and Jerome.

As my eyes scanned the room, Dracos eyes locked with mine, causing tension to grow again. As well as Ricos eyes which had lingered on me. Grinning at me wierdly.

But me being me, I brushed it off.

As the night went on, I joined in on the drinking fire whiskey and smoking weed. I thought fuck it. You only live once.

"No I did not!" Marion yelled at Jerome.

"Yes you did, don't lie to me."

"I'm not lying? Do I lie?" Marion chuckled aggressively, falling into Jerome's lap.

Jerome sat their, laughing to himself. "All I'm saying is you definitely got jealous over Trinity in year four."

Trinity. Trinity Whisper. A brunette who was so clearly into Jerome in year four. Marion hated the idea of Jerome getting with her instead.

"Mhm," Marion laughed into Jerome's lap before sitting back up. Her head spinning slightly, before laughing again.

Draco and Blaise were smoking a joint between themselves, being in their own little world. And not letting anyone else in on their deep conversation.

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