chapter nine ; the library.

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Valentine's Day. The 'happiest' day of the year.

But not for people like me. And what I mean by 'people like me,' is that people like me don't deserve happiness.

I have no parents, no friends, no family, and barely myself.

There was a little bit of hope in me because I would be going to a new home in a few months. Maybe someone would finally care for me. And I could finally leave this god-awful place.

This school was filled with stuck-up kids, who had money and homes to go to. They could go to parks and sweet shops with their friends after school. Whereas all I had was a grotty and dirty building to go to. A place where if you were lucky enough, you were looked after.

The staff there couldn't give two shits about me. I had the mouth of 'satan,' which is what I got told weekly. I had the face of a 'selfish brat,' who only cared about herself. And chicken legs, with tiny scrawny arms.

Over the years I grew more self-conscious of myself. I got driven into thinking I looked different, and not in a good way.

At only eleven years old I was picking myself apart in the mirror. I would stare at myself before I would get into the unclean bathtub.

And that's where I was right now. Gazing at my young self in the smudged mirror. Putting my clothes back on.

I had pale pink trousers, with a royal blue jumper.

I unlocked the large wooden door, twisting the doorknob left to open it.

The air was cold. Cracks were in the walls, where mice and rats would make an appearance every so often. Dust and cobwebs hung low from the damp ceiling.

I made my way to a pair of double doors, which lead to stairs.

"Oi! Berlanti!" A girl with a high-pitched voice shrieked at me.

I carried on moving towards the doors. It was late -- for an eleven-year-old -- and I just wanted to get to sleep to see my favourite teacher, Mrs Louphrey as quickly as I could.

"Do those ears of yours not work?" Another girl said loudly.

I pushed through the double doors and made my way to the top of a flight of stairs. That's when I heard footsteps become loud and clear behind me.

It sounded like an army. An angry army.

I didn't dare to turn around. I couldn't face them.

That's when I got shoved into a barred window. The sharpness of the metal cutting my cheek. I gasped in pain, with my hands being snatched and pinned behind me.

"What are you doing?" I screeched.

"We noticed you didn't eat your cake earlier." One girl snickered.

I was trying to free myself, but I couldn't with two people pushing me into the wall.

"What's wrong with that?" I gulped, hot tears now filling my eyes.

"Well my dear, it was the last piece of cake and my friend here wanted it!" She screamed in my ear, causing my ears to ring.

"Yeah... It's not very nice keeping things to yourself-"

"If you wanted it you should have asked me!" I yelled at them, cutting them off.

They pressed my body into the wall further as well as gripping my wrists tighter, cutting the circulation off.

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