chapter twenty-one ; tension.

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Draco didn't need to get ready for the school dance that much. He just planned to wear what he always wore. A black suit.

The dance was in the great hall like it always was every Christmas.

Tomorrow everyone would be going home for Christmas break. Which meant Draco had to go home and see Voldemort.

He didn't want to. He wanted freedom. He did not want to be a part of the death eaters.

Every time his arm was on show, he had a horrible reminder right on his arm.

He tried so much to get rid of it. Burning it, cutting it. But it would stay there. Forever.

Blaise and Rico were waiting for them to all head up to the Great Hall together.

But Draco never cared for the school dances. They were useless to him. He didn't see the point of everyone pretending to get along. Everyone secretly hated each other anyway.

Draco felt forced to go with Astoria. He didn't want to go with her. He didn't want to go with anyone. He just wanted to fix the stupid vanishing cabinet.

He also had another burden weighing on him. Something he couldn't repeat. It was unspeakable. The Dark Lord was a cruel thing, even for Draco.

The boys made their way out of the common room to meet with their dates.

Blaise was going with his girlfriend Luna Lovegood, Rico was going with Pansy Parkinson, and Draco was going with Astoria Greengrass.

Draco didn't realise he was looking for someone else until Astoria was practically whining in his face.

"Draco, I'm here. Not over there." She cried at him.

He looked at her and forced a petty smile.

Everyone made their way up the stairs to the Great Hall. The room was filled with candles everywhere, balloons, food, and music.

Draco despised this. He was planning ways to leave all night.

He managed to get out of dancing with Astoria, so she just danced with some other guy.

But Draco's mind was somewhere else. He kept looking around the Great Hall to see a head of blonde curls.

But then he thought that maybe she hadn't arrived yet, so he kept his eyes on the doors.

It was when he noticed the girl he was thinking about all night and day. There she was.

Elizabeth Berlanti, stood with her arm linked with Marion. Dracos eyes gazed at who he was seeing.

She looked so elegant, and beautiful. But never could Dracos admit these feelings out loud. He felt guilty for admitting them to himself. It felt wrong.

Elizabeth was wearing a black dress with a slit over one of the legs, that reached all the way to the top of her thigh.

He couldn't stop thinking about her skin, her touch, her kisses.

Draco realised what he was feeling, and decided to get up to leave. As he pushed through a few students, he watched Elizabeth hug someone else. It was a boy.

What was she doing with someone else? He thought.

Anger washed over him, so he left the stupid Christmas dance.

Lustful ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now