chapter eighteen ; one step forward, three steps back.

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"Jerome keeps flirting with me, and I hate it." Said Marion as we both sat on a bench in the courtyard.

"I think he just likes you." I smiled slouching backwards.

The school had just finished for the day, and Marion and I were sitting in the courtyard talking about teenage problems.

"Gross... I don't want him to like me." Marion gagged at the thought of Jerome.

Jerome Clarke and Marion Vine had been flirting all year so far. He was giving her notes in class, stealing her food, and chasing her down the corridors.

However, Marion doesn't like the idea of going out with Jerome.

"Do you not think you'd ever get with him?" I questioned, pulling my school book out of my bag.

Marion pulled me a funny look and shook her head at the thought.

"Merlin's beard, no!" The girl huffed aggressively.

I laughed faintly to myself, opening my transfiguration book up.

"Don't you think Fred and George look good this year?" Marion told.

"What? The Weasley twins?"

"Yeah! I'll have George, and you have Fred." Marion joked.

We took a long stare at each other before breaking out into laughter.

"I'm not interested in boys, Marion. I have my studies to focus on."

"We'll get rich together, and take over the world..." Marion shrieked leaning into me.

We both laughed at each other, forgetting about our problems for a moment.

I looked up to notice a blonde boy with his best friends on the other side of the courtyard. Draco was playfully hitting Jerome while Pansy and Blaise were a few steps behind them.

"Your lover is here." I nudged Marion, pointing to Jerome.

"Ugh, hide me."

"Where?!" I slightly yelled, but I still managed to laugh a little.

Draco noticed us and pointed me and Marion out to Jerome. Jerome smirked innocently with his baby face and started strolling towards us.

"Kill me kill me kill me." I heard Marion cursing under her breath.

"Hello, lovely ladies..." Jerome cheered hovering over us. "How are you two doing?"

I met Jerome and Draco's eyes, and the pair of them had childish smiles. The summer sun was shining on their faces, making them glow.

"We're fine, you?" I asked back.

"Yeah, we're good-,"

"No, we're bored." Draco cut Jerome off taking a seat next to me on the bench.

I side-eyed him weirdly, creasing my eyebrows at the blonde. "Sucks for you," I said dryly.

"Do you girls want to play a game?" Draco suggested, smiling at me.

"Not really-,"

"You don't have a choice, come on." Jerome interrupted Marion, taking her hand and pulling her off the bench.

I watched Marion be dragged a few metres away from me when Jerome pulled out a football from his bag.

"Football?" I huffed. "You wanted to play football with us?"

Lustful ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now