chapter twenty-six ; slytherin party.

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The last two weeks I spent Christmas with Marion and Jerome and Jerome's house.

I hadn't heard from Draco or my mother who I recently found. I was happy for a moment but it was taken away from me when I saw Draco and realised he'd been lying to me for months.

There were times when I'd ask Draco if he knew my mum and he lied to my face. Multiple times.

He knew full well who she was and where she was. He even was the one who told her about me.

I'm heartbroken. Because me and Draco were getting along and he did this to me.

But it was the first day back at Hogwarts today. I slept in Marion's bed with her because we fell asleep laughing about memories.

I was sat in the Great Hall for lunch with Marion, Jerome and Blaise who had Luna with him. Even though she is a Ravenclaw we accept her at our table because she is such a sweet girl.

Pansy no longer sat with us. She'd sit with Astoria and Daphne, and Daphne Hufflepuff's girlfriend Piper.

"I'm thinking of throwing a little Slytherin party in the common room tonight." Said Blaise.

"Really? Why?" Marion asked.

I just carried on eating my plate of salad and chicken. I wasn't listening to this. All I could think about was what my mother was doing right now.

"We haven't had a sesh in ages. I think we all need to get together." Blaise explained.

"I'm down," Jerome spoke up, with a mouth full of food. Gross.

"Me too. I miss getting together." Marion said.

"I've invited Crabbe and Goyle, and Pansy, Daphne and Astoria. Even Daphne's girlfriend."

"This is going to be such a good night." Marion smiled.

"I won't drink or smoke, but I will look after you guys," Luna said in a soft sweet voice.

I didn't speak to them. I just stared at the candle in front of me. My friend's voices sounded so far away from me. I felt like I was in another room.

"What about you El? You coming?" Marion asked me, now looking at me.

My head snapped up in her direction and nodded. "Yeah, sure..." I lied. I didn't care for a party to hang out with people who hated me.

"Great." She smiled at me. I forced a fake smile back.

"Hey, Draco! You down for a party?" Jerome asked Draco who was walking past us. I looked at him for a second, but he didn't make eye contact with me. What have I done?

Draco didn't stay for longer than 3 seconds. "Yeh, whatever." He muttered and then carried on walking.

I watched him take a seat next to Crabbe and Goyle. His oldest friends. He was friends with them before he was friends with Jerome and Blaise.

"Shit, sorry El. You probably don't want to see him do you?" Jerome apologised, with an apologetic smile.

"I can't avoid him forever. Were in the same school." I sighed, pushing my food around my plate.

"What have I missed? What happened?" Blaise sounded confused.

I exchanged hesitant looks with Jerome and Marion before Luna spoke up.

"He is sorry."

I looked in her direction and was more than confused. "What?"

"I can feel energies. Draco's energy feels dark, but there's a little light there. He's sorry for what he did." She explained in a soft quiet voice.

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