chapter seventeen ; obscene.

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Tw** Kn1ves and blood are in this chapter.


"...Then why don't we get out of here?"

"Good plan." I smiled at him.

Draco took my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. He pulled us out of the Ravenclaw common room to make our way to the Slytherin common room.

Once we got into his dorm room, he slammed the door shut and his lips immediately crashed onto mine. Both of his hands cupped my face and my hands rested on his chest. I still wanted him. I still needed him to touch my body.

"I'm going to take my time with you tonight," Draco whispered in my ear when he pulled away for a second. He removed his blazer so he was now in a long-sleeved shirt.

I smiled and fell onto his lips again. Draco kissed me back for a few moments before his thumb and fingers grabbed my chin to force my head up.

I looked into his grey eyes which were filled with hunger. His pupils were big.

Draco's grip on my chin moved to my hand and he walked me over to his bed. He pushed me onto his bed with force.

He was now on top of me, his head was close to mine so our noses were brushing against each other. He tugged on the straps of my dress wanting to take my dress off.

With that, I sat myself up by leaning on my elbows, and Draco's hands grazed across my skin as he pulled the straps of my dress down. I laid back down on my back and he pulled my dress off completely.

I was almost naked now. I was just left in my lace white bra and lace white thongs.

"Sit up for a minute," Draco stated, his eyes bleeding into mine.

I sat up and held eye contact with him, and I rested my hands on my lap.

"Why do I need to sit up?"

Draco smiled and he reached into his pocket and pulled something out. It was small and black. I tilted my head at what he was holding.

"I want to do something with you but-. But I don't want to scare you." He said with amusement. He flicked what was in his hand and out came a blade.

He had a pocket knife.

He looked at my scar, and his empty hand traced it. My breath hitched and he immediately looked back into my eyes.

"I won't ever hurt you, El. You need to trust me." He reassured me.

A faint smile grew on my face. I nodded at him and rested on his hand which was rubbing circles on my scar.

I kept my hand on his and laid on my back again, pulling him with me so he was on top of me again. His hips were putting pressure on my hips.

"Do what you need to do with me, Draco," I told him in a breathless whisper.

He bit his lip for a second before kissing my lips, then moving to my jaw to finally kiss my neck. He had my hand pinned above my head, while he was also squeezing my hand to keep me in place.

Draco was nipping at the sensitive parts as well as licking my neck every so often.

He pulled away and looked at my lips then back to my eyes. I saw a glimpse of the knife in the corner of my eye, and I tried to steady my breathing.

He took my hand with him as he lifted himself so he was now straddling me. "Squeeze my hand."

"Mhm," I mumbled looking at him.

Lustful ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now