chapter twenty-five ; christmas.

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It's Christmas day. I'm sitting in my room where 5 other girls are. I'm lying down in my bed on the top bunk of the bunk bed.

All the other girls are screaming and giggling with each other, while I'm just sitting by myself.

I didn't care to be friends with anyone. No one liked me anyway. So what was the point?

My Christmas usually consists of being by myself, and when it's time for Christmas dinner, all we get is a bit of chicken and a lot of undercooked vegetables.

I hate Christmas. It's such a depressing holiday. But it isn't even a holiday for the girls and boys here at Wools Orphanage.

Holiday means 'an extended period of leisure and recreation, especially one spent away from home or in travelling.'

Which in other words, is a time for families to get together and exchange presents. I don't have a family. or someone to give presents to. And I don't have anyone to give me presents.

At least me and the other girls here all have one thing in common, we don't have families.

I just turned 10 years old a few weeks ago on the 9th of December. And every single Christmas and birthday I have spent in the ghastly building.

A knock came on our bedroom door, and everyone in the room stopped giggling and talking.

One of the workers came in and looked at me. Usually, whenever one of the workers would ask for me, it was because I'd done something wrong.

I held back rolling my eyes and I pushed myself off of my bed and made my way to the worker.

"Follow me, Miss Berlanti." She said in a bored tone.

I followed her to the entrance of the building where I saw my teacher Mrs. Louphrey. I immediately smiled and wondered what she was doing here.

"Hello Elizabeth," She smiled at me and hugged me.

I hugged her back and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm signing you out for the day, so you can spend Christmas with me."

"Really?" I beamed.

"Yes." She laughed slightly.

After Mrs. Louphrey signed me out, I hopped in her car and she drove us to her place. Her house was a standard British house.

I walked through the front door before she did, so she could shut the front door.

I'd never been to her house before, so when I walked in for the first time the first thing I noticed was the smell of a real Christmas tree, gingerbread cookies, and firewood.

"Come through here..." She wanted me to follow her into the kitchen.

I followed her into the kitchen and saw a man that looked about her age.

"This is my boyfriend, Edward Tonks." She said and hugged him.

"Hello, I've heard lovely things about you." He said to me while he smiled. "Do you want to know a secret?"

I nodded at him.

"I think you're Mrs. Louphreys favourite student, but shhh, you can't tell anyone." He knelt to me and whispered.

I smiled hearing this. I looked to my teacher and she had the warmest smile on her face. This felt like a family to me.

We spent the day eating food and watching a little bit of TV.

Mrs Louphrey went to grab something from upstairs and when she came back down to the living room, she had a book in her hands.

"Do you want to have a look at some old photos?" She asked me, taking a seat next to me.

"Sure." I smiled softly at her.

Me and her scanned through a load of photos, of her childhood until we reached one's from her in school.

"These two girls here are my sisters." She pointed to three girls. One with blonde hair, one with black hair, and one with curly black hair.

They were wearing school uniforms with green ties.

"Do you still see your sisters?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"No, I don't know where they are. They didn't approve of Edward, so they kicked me out when I was 18. I've never been back since."

"Oh." That was all I said.

She turned the page and pointed to a woman with blonde curly hair like mine. "This was my best friend in school. I hope she's okay."

I looked at her and she looked like me, but older. Her hair had the same curly pattern as mine, and it was frizzy, meaning it fell everywhere around her face.

I looked under that picture and saw that there was another picture with the same girl in it. She was sat next to a boy with brown hair and black eyes. He had pale skin and a green tie. I noticed in the background was a building that looked like a castle.

"Was this your school?" I asked, pointing to the background.

"Yes, it was the best years of my life. I'd do anything to go back." She said wistfully.

We ended up going through pictures of her when she was banished, and her life with her boyfriend Edward.

thanks for 40k reads guys u have no idea how much i appreciate it🫶🏼🫶🏼 also sorry for the short chapter i jus didn't know what to write for it aha but i knew i needed to write this cus it's important in the future. enjoy the next one cus there's more drama. should be out in the next few days🤎

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