chapter twelve ; daphne greengrass.

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Tw** s3lf-h4rm is at the end of this chapter so viewer discretion is advised.


He held me in his arms to cry, where the wind was cold against my face. My cries were muffled against his chest. My brain got the better of me today. I was angry and my temples were burning up.

I often cry out of anger, only because I bottle things up until I break.

"Shhh..." Draco said gently.

A few distorted sobs left my mouth before I finally pulled away from his hold of me. His cold hands cupped my face again, forcing me to look at him.

"Stop crying." He said in a low yet soft tone. I couldn't tell if he was being nice or if he just wanted me to shut up. Probably the second one. I nodded at him when I saw his eyes glisten slightly. We held eye contact and my breathing calmed down. Everything was starting to feel better.

Draco pulled my head down and he planted a warm kiss on my forehead, letting the last of my tears fall. He got up and dragged me up with him, holding my waist to make sure I wouldn't lose my balance again.

"Let's get you inside." Said Draco grabbed my wrist and pulling me inside.

We were walking through the corridors, and his hand was no longer around my wrist. He was walking fairly quicker than me since his legs were a lot longer than mine.

"Draco?" I asked attempting to walk at the same speed as him.

He didn't reply.

"Draco, please." I was begging now.

"What?" He huffed brushing his fingers through his hair.

"Why were you calling me El?" I said with a shaky voice.

He continued walking quicker than I could. "It was the only way I could get you to listen?" He told, which came out as more of a question.

"Ah, okay," I mumbled. Some part of me wanted to believe he cared, but I would only remember what he said about me earlier. That my arms and legs are scrawny, my ribs and hips stick out, my lips are small, and I got a weird scar that put him off.

"Where are you going?" He shouted to me.

I had stopped walking since I was going to go to the bathroom. "Where are you going?" I said back with a cheeky smile.

"To the common room?" He spoke in a low tone.

"Well, I'll see you in there in a bit," I said before going into the girl's bathroom.


She walked into the girl's bathroom. Draco felt his eyes absently blink watching her leave. There was something wrong with this girl. She's fucked up in the head.

He found her so annoying as well. The way she's sarcastic all the time, and her laugh rang in his ears. She's like a moth you want to kill with a cushion. He wanted to kill her.

It's the way she smells like sweet cinnamon that you put in your tea. He hated tea. No, he loved tea, but not cinnamon. Fuck sake Draco.

"Pureblood," He whispered at the entrance of the Slytherin common room.

He entered to see Rico, Pansy and Jerome together on the sofa.

"Draco mate, you've got to see this!" Jerome shouted to Draco. Pansy had a book in her hands and was reading the pages.

Draco had strolled over to the three of them, to see what they wanted him to see. "What is it?"

"It's Elizabeth's diary, it was on the sofa." Pansy chuckled evilly at the book in her hands.

Lustful ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now