chapter nineteen ; envelopes.

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Tw** $elf h4rm.


I curled up in my bed and I could feel that my pillow was damp against my cheek. I'd been crying for a few hours. Not because I liked him, but because he was using me.

No girl ever deserved to be used.

I didn't even care if I was missing lessons. I just didn't want to be here anymore.

My head was going in circles. I could hear buzzing in my ear, and I had a headache which was pounding against my skull.

I was tired but I couldn't get to sleep. It was only about four in the afternoon. I had skipped lunch since I couldn't show my face. I didn't want to see Draco Malfoy the rat.

I was planning on skipping dinner as well. I had lost my appetite.

I continued lying on my bed, curled up when I heard my door open.

"El, I haven't seen you all day. What happened?" Said Marion who was standing by my bed.

I refused to answer her. My situation was straight up embarrassing.

I felt my mattress dip down next to me.

"Elizabeth? What's wrong?" Marion asked me again.

I rolled my eyes and I still didn't answer him.

"Tell me when you're ready yeah?"

I nodded and sat myself up to look at her. My eyes were puffy and swollen. My cheeks felt sticky and damp from all the tears I had cried.

I rolled my sleeves up and showed her my arms. Once I had finished dumping Draco's clothes outside his door, I went to the bathroom and hurt myself.

Marion's eyes narrowed at my arms and she immediately pulled me into a hug.

"El you're so stupid. Please stop doing this to yourself." She wailed, which frightened me slightly.

"I'm sorry..." I finally spoke which came out as a sob.

Tears started to fall out of my eyes again, and I began shaking in her arms.

"You're like a sister to me, I love you so much, you don't need to do this to yourself." The raven-haired girl went on.

My arms had new scars covering my old scars, including the ones from the other day.

I calmed down in her embrace and felt calm against her chest.

Marion was my best friend for a reason. I only hoped if she was going through something that she would come to me.

We continued hugging each other for a few moments until we both heard a tap come from the window.

Marion drew away from me and I did the same, turning to face our window.

My black owl was drumming on the thin window with a letter tied to its leg. I turned to face Marion for a moment and both of our eyebrows were raised.

Marion and I never got mail, so we were almost startled.

"Am I getting it?" Marion said quietly.

I shrugged my shoulders at her words while I could still hear my owl tapping on our window.

"Don't worry, I'll get it..." Marion reassured me, pulling herself onto her feet.

I watched as she wandered over to our small window, and opened it.

Marion took the letter from my owl and opened the envelope.

I paid attention to her eyes which were growing wide, and her lips turned into a faint smile before it was wiped away again.

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