chapter twenty-eight ; sanity.

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"I hope death is like being carried to your bedroom when you were a child, and fell asleep on the couch during a family party. I hope you can still hear the infectious laughter from the next room over."


Drusilla was lying down in her bed in Azkaban. It was raining outside. The clouds were dark. And it was freezing.

She had goosebumps all over her.

The woman next to her cell next door used to be her friend in school. In Hogwarts. They were both Slytherins together.

She heard her muttering some things under her breath. But she was so used to it now that she didn't care or feel phased.

Drusilla had been in Azkaban for 14 years now. She was sent after she gave her daughter away to her best friend. So that friend could watch over her.

"Drusilla?" The girl from next door spoke.

"Yes Bellatrix?" Drusilla answered.

"How much longer till we're free?" Bellatrix screeched.

Drusilla and Bellatrix were also friends in Hogwarts. They were both in Slytherin together. They used to be so close.

But things got in the way.

Love. Lust.

"I don't know. But I don't know about you, I'm quite happy to stay in here forever." Drusilla stated.

Drusilla thought about her daughter everyday. Her daughter would be in her fourth year at Hogwarts now. Meaning she would be fourteen years old.

She imagined what her daughter would look like. Golden blonde hair with beautiful loose curls. Big bright blue eyes.

She almost hoped that she had a nice upbringing. She prayed and prayed and prayed for fourteen years that she was okay and loved by someone out there.

She prayed that no one would bring her pain. Make feel worthless or useless. It was her biggest regret that she couldn't be there to witness all of it.

Buying school uniforms, taking about boys, giving advice.

Drusilla often thought that if she could change anything in her life, it would be missing out on her only daughter growing up. But this was out of her control.

Drusilla compared her sanity to Bellatrix's sanity. They were completely levels. Drusilla was surprised she could still think properly.

Her "friend" Bellatrix on the other hand, was insane. She was mad. Every word, every sentence, every laugh, every cry was painful to hear.

It would ring through her ears all day and all night.

She would sometimes wish she could perform an unforgivable curse on her. Just to shut her up.

But Drusilla hasn't used magic since before she got in here.

Why was she in here, may you ask yourself?

Well, Drusilla is a death eater. She has been since she turned eighteen. Just after she left Hogwarts. She somewhat had no choice. But it was also a way to be with her lover forever.

But her lover died. A very unfortunate death.

Voldemort hated him. Despised him. So he got rid of him. He was never going to come back.

Drusilla carried that burden with her everyday. Long before Elizabeth was ever born. Long before Drusilla was ever pregnant with Elizabeth.

"I bloody want out of this place!" Bellatrix shrieked, in an awfully high pitched voice, rattling her cells bars.

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