chapter ten ; the babbling potion.

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Hiiii everyoneee, I'm writing on a laptop for the first time so that's why the paragraphs are bigger then usual so if there are any spelling mistakes pls ignore them or just tell me to fix them. Drama in this chapter so buckle up...

I present to you...


After last night's antics, I felt like pure shit. Me and Draco hadn't looked in each other's way since. some part of me was hoping he just felt bad for leaving me straight away. I felt used and insecure. But I guess that's what you get for sleeping with Draco Malfoy instead of revising like I was supposed to.

I have only slept with one other person before and that was a Ravenclaw. His name was Elijah Taylor. We had a small fling for a few months in year 5. I think he fell for me, but I couldn't feel the same way for some reason.

"El, we're talking to you." Marion snapped at me.

"Huh? What?" I shrieked.

Marion huffed out of frustration. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, of course." I lied.

My feet were dragging behind me as we made our way to potions class. My legs were slightly aching from the night before. Even if Draco was using me, he sure was good.

"Anyway, as I was saying, we have all been invited to a Ravenclaw party. You need to come," she said with excitement.

I nodded. "Okay. When is it?" I asked.

"In three days. Everyone else is going."

"Oh. Yeah okay." I said forcing a small smile.

During all of these conversations, all that was in the back of my mind was Draco. I had to remind myself not to get attached or accept anything else from him. He had a reputation for breaking girls' hearts after Astoria broke his.

All of us entered potions together, being the last few to arrive.

"Ah, you four, take a seat." Professor Slughorn exclaimed.

All of us sat at the back table. Me and Blaise sat next to each other whereas Jerome and Marion sat opposite us.

"The suicide squad is finally here." Draco laughed to himself sounding as miserable as ever. He sat on the table next to us with Pansy, Rico and Daphne.

I fluttered my eyes at his statement, not finding him funny at all.

"Of course, you're rolling your eyes at me you dirty orphan, we both know I'm good at doing that to you." Draco snickered at me with a devilish smile on his face.

"Fuck off." I spat giving him the evils.

Everyone on my table and his was eyeing us. Pansy had an arrogant look on her like usual, and I saw her whisper into Daphne's ear.

Luckily Marion and Blaise already knew about me and him, but I was certain that they didn't know about last night.

"What's going on?" Jerome blurted out.

"What do you mean?" I asked, and I could feel my face turning red at his curiosity.

"What did he mean about eyes rolling?" he asked with a grin.

Draco chortled but tried disguising it as a cough immediately.

"Don't be stupid Jerome, they've always been like this," said Marion who was defending me. It was a good thing too considering Daphne was at the table next to us and she couldn't know.

"Right," Jerome said bluntly.

"Good morning everyone, today we will be going over the Babbling Potion," Slughorn announced.

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