chapter two ; amortentia.

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5TH JULY 1988.

"Gross Orphan, Elizabeth's an orphan." A girl was laughing at me. Calling me all the names I didn't like.

I'm only nine years old.

I'm at primary school. Everyone at school knows I don't have any parents.

"Haha, you were abandoned." A different girl said this time.

"I wasn't abandoned, I got taken away from them!" I shouted at the people who had cornered me.

"You're still alone." A boy said.

I didn't have anything else to say. So after all that, I pushed through the group of people bullying me.

I entered the school building and made my way down the narrow corridor. Eventually, I knocked on Mrs. Louphrey's door. "Yes?" She asked.

I walked further into her classroom as she turned around in her seat.

"Elizabeth, are you okay?" She asked.

I shook my head, and walked closer to her as multiple tears left my eyes.

She pulled me into a warm embrace, and comforted me for a few moments.

"Why am I who I am?" I cried, looking up into her Black eyes.

"Whatever do you mean?" She queried.

"Everyone has parents, except me? Why?" I cried even more.

A nine year old shouldn't be asking herself these things. I was so young, yet already questioning everything and everyone around me.

"Your situation is just... difficult." Mrs. Louphrey answered me, pulling closer for another hug.


"Elizabeth? Do you want to know a secret?" She asked me.


"I don't have any parents either." Mrs. Louphrey stated.

"You don't?" I questioned.

"No. They didn't approve of the people around me, so they banished me when I was only seventeen." Mrs. Louphrey started.

"Banished? What does that mean?"

"Abandoned. They kicked me out. Sent me away, if you will. And I haven't seen them since." My teacher said, still hugging me.

"Wow. So I'm not alone?" I said with a little happiness now in my voice.

"You're not." She laughed a little.

"El? El, wake up." I heard voices.

I opened my eyes slightly, to see Marion and Pansy shaking me.

The autumn sun was shining in me through the window, blinding me.

"Ugh, what time is it?" I groaned, pulling the covers up even more.

"Almost 9am, you slept through breakfast." Pansy laughed, attempting to pull the covers off me.

"Ugh." I groaned again.

Marion and Pansy got up from the bed and headed towards the door.

"I'll wait for you in the common room." Said Marion.

"Mhm." I huffed.

Moments passed of me laying in bed for a bit longer. My head was slightly pounding from the night before, and the sun surely didn't help.

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