chapter thirty-five ; clandestine.

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"I do not simply want to die, I just simply don't want to exist in a world like this."


Walking to Potions class felt like it lasted a lifetime. I was replaying what had just happened in the closet over and over and over again.

Did that really just happen?

I was dreading Potions. One because Draco was going to be in there, and two because we had a Carrow teaching us.

The Carrows didn't know what they were doing.

The Carrows worked for Voldemort, which wasn't a nice thought.

In this moment, I wanted nothing more than to have Marion beside me. Gossiping about Drama.

I wanted nothing more than to be in year 3 again. Where Voldemort wasn't back, everyone somewhat got along, and my biggest worry in the world was when I was next going to wash my hair. Or how I was going to afford the next trendy item of clothing.

But now my biggest worry in the world is what if Voldemort is going to come waltzing in the Castle and Avada Kedavra everyone.

That was my biggest worry.

I took my usual seat in the back of the potions class, right by the shelves of ingredients.

And my new parter was Neville, of course.

"Hey," Said Neville.

"Hey, sorry for walking away earlier. I needed to get some air." I apologised.

"Don't worry about it. I think we're all feeling like that at the moment." He comforted me.

Me and Neville chatted away until I saw the Carrow walk in, with Draco behind him.

I instantly looked down at my notebook, and acted as if I was writing down in it.

"So welcome to my lesson you witches and wizards, anyone know what we're learning today?" The Carrow started her lesson.

I did nothing but keep my head down, and stare at my blank notebook.

No one spoke up. It was silent. Complete silence.

"Anyone?" She shrieked.

Still, no one made a sound.

"All of you are failing then!" She laughed manically.

This didn't phase me. I didn't care about my education anymore. Who would?

For the next hour, our "teacher" was going on about some sort of killing potion. A potion that's like the Avada Kedavra spell but in liquid form.

We were told that in our next potions class we would be getting taught how to make said potion, but this didn't sit well with me. I felt like this would only cause students to kill each other.

"Merlin's beard this teacher is insane." Neville whispered to me.

"Tell me about it." I whispered back as I started to pack my books up.

"You'd think Voldemort would get someone normal." Neville joked, where a small laugh escaped my lips.

A laugh I shouldn't kept inside of me.

"Who's laughing?" The Carrow screeched.

My face dropped and went back to being straight. Same as Neville's.

"I definitely heard it!" She started yelling.

I didn't allow myself to make eye contact with the witch.

Lustful ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now