chapter thirty-four ; absolution.

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I walked to Defense Against the Dark Arts class by myself, in the dark corridors.

Hogwarts wasn't the same anymore. It was cold, dark, eerie and deadly.

A month ago, Draco Malfoy was supposed to kill Dumbledore, but he failed. Instead, Snape had killed our beloved headmaster.

And ever since, Snape had taken over the school. He was now headmaster. But he wasn't my headmaster.

All the magic wards that Dumbledore had put up at the beginning of the year had been taken down, meaning no one was safe. Also meaning, witches and wizards could come and go as they pleased. Witches and Wizards like Death Eaters.

News got out that the night of Dumbledore dying, all the death eaters from Azkaban were set free, by Voldemorts hand.

Voldemort was becoming stronger and stronger than ever. Each day that went by, the more my anxiety rose.

Every corner I turned, every door I opened, every room I walked into, I was scared for my life. And every student felt the same as I did.

But no one was as frightened as Harry Potter was. He had left the school and went into hiding. Along with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

And... my friends Marion and Jerome had left, temporarily. Jerome's mother wanted him as far away as possible. They keep in touch, sometimes.

A lot of people had left. A lot of parents wanted them out. Some people left permanently, and some had only left temporarily.

Me on the other hand, I had no where else to go. So my only choice was to stay here.

But every single second, no matter where I was, I felt sick. I had lost my appetite altogether. I was pretty much just bones and no skin now.

Snape had made a rule, where if you knew anything of the whereabouts of Harry Potter, you were to come forward and share. If you fail to do so then... well, I wasn't actually sure what would happen. But everyone knew it wouldn't involve a fancy expensive dinner.

This wasn't it, no.

Death eaters had taken over the school. A lot of the professors were replaced.

For example, one that sticks out to me the most is the muggle teacher. Miss Trelawney. She taught muggle studies. Taught us how muggles live their lives.

And this subject was my favourite, seeing as I lived as a muggle for the first eleven years of my life.

The Great Hall no longer had candles floating above us when we'd eat our food.

The corridors had less candles.

Our dinner time was now 6PM instead of 8PM, and after we'd have our food, we were expected to go straight to our common rooms, and we weren't allowed to leave.

The lessons here were more extreme. The death eaters that were now teaching us had no idea what they were doing. They would scream, yell and terrorise us all day. Especially in Defence Agaisnt the Dark Arts class.

About two weeks ago, one of the death eaters made a Hufflepuff student perform the Cruciatus curse on another student. All because they got a question wrong.

The only lesson I'd look forward to going to now was Transfigrations with McGonnagal. If she got replaced, I don't know what I'd do.

I half wanted to run away, but I don't know where I'd go.

And the other half of me wanted to off myself.

But right now I was on my way to one of the dreaded Defence Againt the Dark Arts classes.

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