chapter twenty-four ; tap tap tap.

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We both laid there, the only sound in the room was our heavy breathing.

I saw he was resting on his arm, where I then saw his death eater mark and I admitted to myself that its okay to feel a little bit of sympathy for someone even if they haven't been the nicest to you.

I did feel bad for Draco Malfoy. I've seen his face when we are having dinner with Voldemort eating at the same table as us. Draco's face was paler than usual. He looked lifeless.

I absentmindedly started rubbing circles on his death eater mark. But I wasn't looking in his eyes anymore, I was paying close attention to the little details of his death eater mark.

It was plain black and had a skull with a snake coming out of its mouth. I also noticed a few things that made me feel slightly ill.

There was raised skin on the mark, which made me think he'd been trying to get rid of it in the past. There were loads of little marks that I could feel, but I couldn't see them.

Draco closed his eyes and fell asleep. I stopped rubbing circles on his arm and turned around so my back was now facing him.

we both fell asleep together in his bed for the rest of the night, and we both got some sleep for the first time in ages.

Me and Draco both woke up and got ready for the day, and I hadn't seen him since this morning.

No one was there, and I decided I would take a wander around the Malfoy Manor a little more. All the corridors were dark and narrow, with loads of photos of everyone.

I even saw a few of Draco when he was little. My thoughts went back to last night, and how we fell asleep together, but for the first time he didn't try and sleep with me.

I was extremely confused, that was for sure.

I saw many bedrooms that all looked identical to one another. This house didn't seem very interesting in my eyes.

The only interesting thing was that Voldemort was staying here, and I had dinner with him twice.

I'm surprised he hasn't spoken to me or killed me on the spot.

But I was definitely going to talk to Harry Potter when I got back to Hogwarts. Even though me and Harry aren't close, I can't sit by and watch one of my classmates get hurt.

Tap tap tap...

I saw that one door was shut, which was strange to me since all the other doors were open.

I stood in front of the door and debated on going in there. But I went in there anyway.

Tap tap tap...

I kept hearing. This was the sound I heard Draco making in class, the sound I heard when I found him fixing a vanishing cabinet, and the sound I heard in Azkaban. This sound kept haunting me.

I followed the sound and walked through the door. It was some sort of library and lounge. There was a fireplace in between two windows, and it was lit. It was the only warmth in the room.

It was cold in here. I closed the door behind me and continued to follow the tap tap tap.

All of these books on the bookshelves had the same name at the bottom.


It was the same name as the three books Mrs Louphrey gave me all those years ago.

I realised Draco thought I'd stolen them from his house, and that's why he got mad at me when he was tutoring me.

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