chapter twenty-three ; cinnamon girl.

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I woke up pretty early from being quite unsettled in the night. I think it was a mixture of staying somewhere I'd never been before, and knowing Voldemort was in the same house as me, sleeping.

I spent the majority of the night tossing and turning in this bed. The room was massive and dark. It was very similar to Draco's bedroom. I wouldn't be surprised if this was also his bedroom. Draco seemed like the type to have two bedrooms.

It was about 5 AM, and I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling when my stomach started to growl a few times.

After a few minutes, my stomach growled again, and I muttered "Shut the fuck up," to myself. My stomach kept growling, so I decided to bite the bullet and get some food. I had no idea where the kitchen was, so this was going to be a fun time.

I rolled out of bed wearing pale blue joggers, and a black tank top. It was extremely cold in this house, so I decided to grab my knitted jumper out of my bag.

I wrapped it around myself while I shut the door behind me, and I started walking down the narrow corridor.

I had goosebumps all around my body from the cold, and worrying that Voldemort was going to come out and scare me. He'd do a good job at it as well. He literally has no nose.

I wonder how he's got no nose?

I walked down the twirly stairs and started peeking my head around all the corners and opened doors, waiting to find the kitchen or a kitchen.

No one was around. It felt like an abandoned house. I couldn't hear anything apart from my heavy, hitched breathing. I was starting to regret giving in to Draco. I should be at Hogwarts. Home.

After walking around for about ten minutes, I finally found the kitchen.

It was a huge space with dark wooden cabinets and counters. There was an island in the centre of the room where five high seats were.

I opened the fridge to see there were loads of fruits, such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. I then walked over to one of the cupboards, to find pancake mixture.

"Hmm, pancakes it is," I said to myself.

I mixed all the ingredients together and put three pancakes in the pan.

I felt like it would be safer to just take the food up to my room, instead of eating in the kitchen, so I took my food to my room after cleaning up after myself.

I started digging into my food when I heard a knock on my door. I sat frozen for a minute before I put my pancakes on the end of my bed, and then I hid myself under my duvet.

I'm dead, I'm dead, Voldemorts going to kill me for making pancakes, shit, fuck, you're so stupid El.

I heard the door open and I held my breath so it didn't look like my blanket was moving. I felt like I was starting to lose oxygen, but luckily I heard the door shut.

I pulled the duvet off of me, and let all the air I held in, out. I laid on my back and I sat up when I screamed my head off.

Draco tricked me. He was standing against my door looking at me with amusement on his face.

"Fucking hell mate." I hissed at him. I also grabbed a pillow and threw it in his direction so it would hit him, but the bastard caught it and threw it back at me, messing my hair up.

"Someones up early for the first time in their life." He smirked at me, with his tongue resting on the inside of his cheek.

I rolled my eyes and reached over to my plate of pancakes so I could eat them. "I couldn't sleep. Problem?"

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