chapter seven ; reminders.

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"I need to get to Hogsmeade." Marion muttered to me.

We were in Transfiguration class with Professor McGonagall.

"We've only got forty minutes left it's not that long." I whispered to her.

"I just wish this bloody class would finish already." She huffed, slouching forwards.

"I know, me too." I said as I rested my head on my desk.

We were taking notes from the board, sitting patiently waiting for the lesson to finish.

A few moments passed of Professor McGonagall teaching, when I felt someone kick my seat behind me.

I didn't react, I kept my head on my desk.

And then there was another kick. And another. And another.

I sat up and gripped the back of my chair, turning around to see Draco looking at me.

"What?" He huffed with a smirk.

He was actually unbelievable. Where was all this coming from? Was he in something? I just shook my head at him and turned around to face the front again.

I was hoping he had finished his little games, but no. That was when he kicked my chair again. I turned around yet again, facing him. The smirk on his face was even bigger this time.

"Got a problem, Berlanti?" He laughed.

"Yeah I do actually." I spat at him unamused.

"What a shame. What you going to do about it?" Draco queried.

"I'll stupefy you." I said with a small laugh escaping my lips.

"Go on." He scoffed.

"Can you two please stop." Asked Blaise who was sat next to Draco.

I nodded and turned around yet again. That boy was really frustrating me.

"Can everyone get into pairs and work together, please." Professor McGonagall demanded.

Students quickly sat up and rushed across the classroom to pair up with their friends. But me and Marion stayed sat, since we always worked with each other.

"Orphan, you're with me." Said Draco who was stood next to Marion's seat.

"Get lost, I'm with her." Marion snapped at Draco.

Draco was now glaring at her, looking back forth at me and her. "Come on, I'm learning how to tolerate this girl for your boyfriend." He smiled at us.

"Marion you can just work with me." Said Blaise.

"Whatever." She scoffed as she got up and took a seat next to Blaise.

I watched Draco take a seat next to me, then looking at me as he rested his head on the palm of his hand.

"So, you're learning how to tolerate me are you?" I chuckled, looking at his grey eyes.

"No." He said bluntly.

My tongue brushed along the inside of my bottom lip, and shook my head looking away from him.

"Are you offended?" Said Draco who was still looking at me.

"No, just, what was last night about?" I said quietly hoping no one was listening in, like my best friend and Blaise.

"I don't know, you tell me."

I turned to face him, and he was still smiling at me.

"Why do you keep smiling today?" I sighed, me now resting my head on the palm of my hand to copy him.

Lustful ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now