chapter three ; rosier.

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"So Rico wants to date, but I don't do dating. What do I do?" Asked Pansy.

Me, Marion and Pansy were all sat on the Slytherin table eating our lunch.

Sausages, toast and roasted tomatoes filled the room.

Students talking to each other, and knives and forks scraping against plates constantly echoed through the hall.

"If you don't do dating Pansy just don't date him." Marion sighed.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked her.

"Nothing." Said Marion as she shook head.

Me and Pansy glanced at each other, reading each others minds.

"Somethings clearly wrong." Pansy laughed.

"No, there isn't." Marion snapped at us this time. But I think she felt bad for sounding rude so she looked to her right, avoiding eye contact with us as best as she could.

Me and Pansy looked at each other again, but awkwardly this time.

We carried on eating our lunch for a few seconds, until Jerome and Draco came along.

"Hello, lovely ladies." Jerome cheerfully said as he and Draco sat opposite us.

"Oh shut up." Marion muttered under her breath, pushing her food around her plate.

"What?" Jerome snickered looking directly at Marion, whose head was hanging low.

There was definitely something going on. They had definitely fallen out.

Marion simply shook her head again, not saying anything else.

"Okay, what the fuck is going on?" Pansy yelled, dropping her fork onto her plate.

No one said anything. It was just awkward silence. My eyes moved back and forth between Jerome and Marion at a quickened pace.

"Well?" Pansy yelled even louder this time, who was clearly getting frustrated.

"Jerome said he liked Trinity's hair." Marion snapped, as she got up from the table and walked out of the great hall.

We all exchanged what the fuck looks and shook our heads, continuing to eat our lunch, and I was trying to get past the awkward silence that hung over us.

Jerome took Marion's plate full of food for himself, considering she wasn't going to come back and finish it.

But I couldn't help it, I started to laugh a little.

"What's funny?" Draco spat at me.

"Nothing." I managed to say without laughing even more.

Even more awkward silence hung over all of us.

"I'm tutoring an orphan later." Draco blurted.

"What?" Me and Jerome blurted back, looking at Draco with confusion.

"Why are you acting dumb for?" Draco hissed at me with his eyebrows raised, giving me a dirty look.

"Why do you need to announce it to everyone?"

"I have my reasons." Said Draco.

"Draco tutor me, if you want." Pansy begged towards Draco giving him puppy eyes.

For some reason I felt a little pissed off at what she was asking. And so I scoffed a little.

"What? I want to be tutored."

Okay, I was definitely starting to get pissed off.

"Rico wants to get with you, remember?" I said clearly annoyed.

Lustful ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now