chapter fourteen ; draco malfoy.

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Draco didn't sleep at all last night. Elizabeth fell asleep on the Astronomy Tower when afterwards he picked her up and carried her back into her bed. He also had noticed that Pansy wasn't in her bed so he immediately grew suspicious.

He took a long look at the cut on her lip that was scarring. Maybe Draco felt a little bit of sympathy for the girl. But overall, he was glad. He was glad that she had gotten a beating. In his mind she deserved it. But then again, he deserved it as well.

Draco knew deep down he deserved it. He knew that Elizabeth Berlanti was right about his Dad yesterday. Every time he comes back from the summer or Christmas holidays, he covers the bruises on his arms.

His Dad shaped him over the years, causing the poor blonde to be malicious and cruel towards others. He's always been a bully, but this year he was different. For example, his hair was whiter, and his skin was paler.

Draco is a misunderstood boy, who only ever wanted someone to love him, that way he would know how to love.

He didn't know how to love. He didn't know what love felt like. He thought Astoria Greengrass loved him, but she proved him wrong. That was not love. It made him want to treat someone the way he was treated. Like Elizabeth Berlanti. She was the perfect girl to hurt.

She was already fucked up in the head. And messing her up, even more, was just what he felt like he needed to do.

Draco was now on his way to the room of requirement, for reasons that weren't repeatable. The corridors were filled with his best memories over the years. Calling Harry over to torment him almost day after day.

He sat with his old friends Crabbe and Goyle at breakfast, since it was just Jerome and Marion where they would all usually sit. Blaise had snuck himself onto the Ravenclaw table to sit with Luna.

Draco assumed Elizabeth was still sleeping. He felt horrified when he came to the realisation that his friend group was falling apart more than he'd like it to have. It was his fault, he thought.

It was awkward with Crabbe and Goyle since they never had anything in common to talk about anymore. All Draco had done this morning at breakfast was push his food around on his plate, nodding to show he was listening, but he wasn't. Crabbe and Goyle were too immature for Draco now.

Walking past the library, he saw Daphne, Pansy and Astoria. Unexplainable rage came over him. Looking at the bruise on Daphne's head he remembered yet again what Elizabeth had told him. Who was Daphne to tell Elizabeth to stay away from him?

Draco was clenching his fists and jaw, seeing red. He didn't care about the people in the corridor who were about to witness this. He stormed over to the three bitchy girls, ready to scream in their faces.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you lot?" He spat at the girls.

They all had awful looks on their faces. Especially Pansy. She looked like she wanted to laugh. Whereas Daphne and Astoria had faces that were turning pink.

"Answer me you sluts!" He spat one more time, hovering over the girls.

"You tell me Draco, what is wrong with us?" Daphne sneered tilting her head at him.

Draco scrunched his nose up at them, furrowing his eyebrows. "You're hurting people and I'd like you to stop."

Astoria seemed clueless, and Draco had noticed this.

"What are you on about Draco? We're not hurting anyone." Pansy jumped in.

"You read Elizabeth's diary. You had no right to do that." Draco started when Astoria's expression only grew more clueless, unaware of what was being said.

Lustful ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now