chapter twenty-nine ; intimacy.

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After an hour in the hospital wing, I went to my classes for the day with a pounding headache.

I was noticing that Draco wasn't in any of his classes either, but I didn't think on it too much because my head was obviously hurting.

It was now fairly later on in the day, and Marion had decided to go and see Jerome for the night, and spend some time together.

And Pansy had moved out of our dorm room months and months ago after the diary incident.

So I had the room to myself. It was great. I loved when I had time to myself after a long day.

Even though I love my best friend Marion, I looked forward to having time to myself. Especially at night.

I'd gotten out of the shower and brushed my hair, blow dryed it — which most definitely wasn't the smartest idea since I have curly hair — and brushed my teeth.

I put my leopard print tank top on, with a pair of black joggers. And I went with a beige couloured knitted cardigan for some warmth.

I took a cigarette out of my drawer and lit it up, before walking over to my window to smoke it out the window. Otherwise the smell of tar and tobacco would stain the room. Not the nicest smell out there.

I took a few drags from my cigarette and blew the smoke out of my lungs into the cold wintery air.

It wasn't raining, no. It was a still night. The cold was crisp, and the sky was lit up blue by the moonlight.

The moon was beautiful. It was a full moon tonight. A new moon. It lit the stars up around it, making them shine.

I could stare at the night sky all night.

I suddenly knock came from my door. I flinched and looked at my door. I didn't say anything, instead I just took another toke of my cigarette and blew the smoke out.

I looked to space between the floor and the door and saw that there was a shadow moving around.

"Elizabeth?" I heard on the other side. It was a rough, tired sounding voice.

"Who is it?" I shouted, so they could hear me.

They didn't answer me. They simply opened my door and walked into my room.

It was Draco.

"Did I say you could come in?" I hissed at him, standing up from my window seat.

"You asked who it was, so-,"

"No. I didn't say you could come in though did I?" I interrupted him.

He shut my door behind him and walked closer to the middle of my room.

"I can't let people know I'm in here. That's just plain embarrassing." He hissed back at me.

His blonde hair was scruffy, and his skin was pale.

Why was he in here?

"Sorry, but why are you in here then if it's embarrassing?" I queried, still holding my cigarette.

"Because as a matter of fact, I needed to see you."

"You needed to see me? Yeah right-,"

"I do-, you don't get it! You don't, fuck." He spoke with a hitched breath. He was visibly shaking.

I stared at him, and I was sort of judging him. I could smell the weed coming off of him.

I sniffed hard and loud, trying to find out if I was correct or not.

Lustful ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now