chapter five ; cigarettes after love.

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Hey everyone, spice is in this chapter so if you're uncomfortable then feel more then welcome to skip.



After a few hours of trying to wrap my head around Draco kissing me, I was heading towards the boys dorm room for another sesh.

What better way was there to get my mind off that moment other than drinking and smoking?

There wasn't.

I thought it must be a joke. A prank. Something.

Draco Malfoy.

The boy who has always called me a dirty orphan. The boy who would always bully.

It didn't make sense for him to kiss me.

I tried pushing those thoughts to the back of my head as much as I could. But all that would happen was they would come back. And the worst part was I couldn't even talk to him about it.

I thought it would be better to ignore it and never bring it up, so then its like it never happened. I didn't want anything to ruin my mood for tonight.

Pansy and Marion were talking to each other on the way to the boys dorm room, while I stayed a few feet behind them.

We eventually made it to the boys dorm room.

"You knock." Pansy demanded.

"No you knock." Marion demanded back.

"Your boyfriend is in there you knock." Pansy whined.

"Oh for fuck sake you two." I yelled at them as I barged past and swung the door wide open.

I opened the door to see Jerome sat on his bed, whereas Draco, Blaise and Rico were already sat in the centre of the floor smoking a joint.

"Merlin's fucking beard El." Rico shouted. "You made me jump."

"Go cry about it." I snickered at him.

I really didn't like Rico. After what he pulled, I didn't want to be around him.

I heard a faint laugh coming from Draco's mouth, where I also felt his eyes lingering on me as I made my way across the room towards the window.

I grabbed a cigarette from the straight packet, and lit it up almost immediately. I was waiting for a cigarette all day.

"Blaise has got himself a girlfriend." Jerome blurted out.

"A girlfriend? Who's the lucky girl?" I exclaimed.


"A fucking Ravenclaw." Draco spat taking a hit from the joint.

"Shut up, Draco." Jerome spat back. "Let him finish."

"Luna Lovegood?" I questioned while inhaling the smoke from my cigarette.

"Yeah." Blaise blushed.

"Isn't she a weirdo?" Pansy laughed while straddling over Ricos lap.

I shook my head in disbelief. What a bitch.

"Pansy." Marion snapped at Pansy.

"So Draco, who are you seeing?" Jerome asked inhaling the smoke from his joint.

Silence hung over the room while Draco was clearly stirring up a lie in that little head of his.

What if he was going to say what happened earlier? Fuck no. Fuck.

Lustful ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now