chapter twenty ; the last two months.

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Months had passed since I last saw Draco and Astoria kissing each other in the hallway. That also meant it's been months since I had a letter from my mum --at least I think it was my mum-- asking me to visit her in Azkaban.

But my visit was cut short when a woman with crazy, curly hair started saying strange things to me on some sort of code.

Me and Marion had been trying to find out what happened to my mum for the last few months.

I was heartbroken, to say the least. After 16 years of wondering who my mum was, I was so close to finding out. But she was taken away from me before I even had her.

So, me and Marion were starting from the beginning. Back to when I was abandoned, or taken away from them. I wasn't too sure.

We even took a trip to Wools Orphanage and asked how I ended up there. They said that a young woman with black hair dropped me there when I was a newborn baby.

That was all we knew. I was stuck. I didn't know what else to do or what steps to take next.

For the last month, we were getting nowhere. It was becoming a much slower process.

But today was a detention day.

A few weeks ago Malfoy decided to start bullying me again. This included Daphne, Astoria, Pansy and Rico.

Our friend group had fallen apart in front of my eyes. It was just me Marion and Jerome now.

But Jerome continued to talk to them, just without me there. I found it quite rude really.

There was one incident where Malfoy and his little girl group decided to throw things at me in charms class, and so my anger took over once again and I flipped my shit.

I threw everything back at them, but I got in trouble. I wasn't even the one who started it.

This resulted in Professor Flitwick giving everyone involved detention.

He even gave Marion and Jerome detention even though they didn't do anything. However, I did try to reason with Flitwick by asking if I could be given more detentions as long as he didn't give detention to Marion and Jerome as well, but he didn't change his mind.

It was ridiculous really.

I was one of the last to arrive at detention. Me and Marion walked in, to see Draco and Rico sat next to each other at the back of the classroom. Daphne, Astoria and Pansy sat near the front of the class.

Me and Marion decided to sit next to Jerome who was on the other side of the class, throwing a scrunched-up piece of paper to Malfoy, who was doing the same back.

I took a seat behind Jerome and Marion and felt everyone's eyes on me. It was uncomfortable.

The piece of paper that Malfoy threw landed on my desk. I picked it up and threw it at the front so they could stop. It was starting to piss me off with Malfoy giggling like a girl every now and then.

Professor Flitwick was running the detention since he was the one who gave it to us.

"Students, I'm leaving the class for a moment. I'll be back shortly." Said Flitwick. "If anyone leaves, that will be another detention."

And he left.

It was silent for a good five minutes. I didn't care to look at anyone. They weren't worth my pretty eyes to look at.

"Psst..." someone hissed.

But I carried on trying to sleep in my robe that I rolled up so I could sleep on it.

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