chapter eight ; the vial.

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So the mystery or whatever starts hereeeeee. Enjoyyyy


I walked out of the classroom and into the corridor, seeing hundreds of students rushing to their common rooms.

Why was everyone so interested in me and Draco for? Was it obvious? Was he telling people?

And where did he go?

"El, are you alright?" Asked Blaise, who was leaning against the stone wall next to me.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I huffed.

He looked at me, quirking an eyebrow slightly. "Because everyone is giving you hell for Draco."


"No-. I can tell he gave you that hickey, I'm not stupid." Blaise laughed.

A small weight felt like it was lifted off my shoulders, but only a little bit.

"I think you should tell Marion though." He suggested.

"Yeah, and then Jerome finds out." I sighed, rubbing my hand on my forehead.

That's when I saw Marion appear behind Blaise, with Pansy.

"Find out what?" Asked Pansy who had a smug look on her face.

"It's nothing to do with you. Marion I need to speak to you on the way to Hogsmeade." I said as I walked towards her and grabbed her hand.

"I'll see you lot later." Blaise shouted.

As we were walking toward the main doors, we bumped into Draco.

"Hey! Where did you go?" I yelled at him, causing him to stop in his tracks.

"No where." He said bluntly, looking down at the floor.

He looked tired and stressed. His hair was ruffled, falling over his forehead.

"Sure. I don't believe you."

"I don't need you to believe me, Berlanti." Said Draco, as he gave me a fake smile before walking away.

All three of us continued making our way out the school doors, starting our long walk to Hogsmeade.

The air was crisp, accompanied with the smell of rain that was coming off the concrete floor. And the sun was trying to get through the grey clouds.

"So Pansy, why is your friend so interested in me all of a sudden?" I said in a low tone, making eye contact with her.

The corner of her lips twirled upwards slightly. "I told her about your hickey, and how last night when you left, Draco left as well. It's just a bit suspicious really." Said Pansy.

"Right." I said sternly.

The atmosphere was awkward. I was starting to feel ashamed. But what gave Pansy the right to talk about my life to someone I didn't even know?

"Why are you talking about my life to her anyway?" I said in a bitchy tone. This made Pansy stop walking.


"Well?" I snapped at her.

"I just didn't know what to talk to her about." She said shyly, fiddling with her Slytherin tie.

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