chapter fifteen ; naked.

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Draco followed behind me into the Three Broomsticks. I felt him studying me. I was starting to make sure I looked good when I was around him. But I don't like him.

We took a seat by the fireplace facing the stairs, while also being handed our butter bears.

"I needed this," I stated taking a sip from my butter bear. Draco gave me a judgy look, creasing his eyebrows at me.

"What?" I copied his facial expression, trying to hide my smile.

He shook his head. "You're such a weirdo." He sighed in frustration.

"Good. At least I'm not like anyone else and I stand out." I smiled at him.

He scoffed while rolling his eyes, looking away from my direction. I scoffed back taking another sip while he did the same.

Silence hung over us, and it was the first time it was ever uncomfortable.

"So, when I was little I used to go into the kitchen at the orphanage and steal cookies. And they were the best cookies, they had smarties in them and I literally used to take them every night." I rambled on to Draco to fill the awkward silence. But Draco didn't answer me, he kept looking behind him to the staircase.

"Do you know anywhere I can get cookies like that? You see, I didn't know I was a witch all those years ago. I thought I was useless since my parents abandoned me. Turns out they just got sent to Azkaban." I carried on when I noticed he wasn't interested one bit.

He nodded, biting his lip nervously. "Draco?" I said quietly.

He looked up at me, his icy gaze meeting my eyes.

"You're not talking for once, are you okay?" I asked him with my eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Worry about yourself yeah?" He said bluntly. I knew he was lying. Usually, he would have rude comments to snap at me, but he seemed afraid to do something.

"Okay..." I replied hesitantly. "But do you know anywhere I can get those cookies?" I asked once more.

Draco shook his head, still not saying anything rude to me. And weirdly, I wanted him to be cruel to me. It's all I knew from him. I didn't know this side of Draco and it was scaring me. I was thinking of things to say to him, just so I could get him riled up, but nothing was working.

"But do you know what I was thinking?" I asked. He looked up at me once more, studying my face.

"Obviously I don't." He snapped at me, and I felt some sort of happiness in me. It was working. If I just carry on being annoying he would hopefully be his normal self again. I craved his disrespect towards me.

"Shut up." I smiled at him evilly. "You-Know-Who is back, and I want to find my parents again to talk to them and to finally know them."

This intrigued him, I noticed he was now looking me dead in the eyes, and if looks could kill, id be dead.

"What?" I huffed at him, laughing nervously.

"You can't find you're parents." Draco snapped at me, getting defensive.

"Why not? It's confirmed that he's back so that would mean my mum and dad are around, right?"

"Yeah-, you just can't." He said bluntly once more, looking down at his hands.

I rolled my eyes. "I'll do what I want, Draco." I hissed at him in a low tone.

"It's dangerous, Berlanti. You'll end up getting involved with shit you can't get out of." Said Draco, clearly getting irritated.

Lustful ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now