chapter twenty-two ; his girlfriend.

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It was the first day of Christmas break. Pansy had already left as early as she could.

I opened my eyes to see Marion packing two bags to go and stay with Jerome's family over Christmas. She looked like she was in a rush.

I didn't have any plans to leave Hogwarts. Over the summer I usually stayed with Marion and Jerome.

Marion kept asking me to come with her to Jerome's over Christmas but I kept saying no. My excuse was, "You and Jerome need to have some time alone. I can't always be there."

She kept disagreeing with me but I wouldn't change my mind.

Marion gave me a long and tight hug before she and Jerome left. I wouldn't see them for two weeks.

I decided to have a bath with loads of bubbles, dance around my dorm room to music in my underwear, smoke a few cigarettes, and rearrange my stuff for the millionth time.

I could do whatever I wanted to do for two whole weeks. Some people might say that this is a depressing way to spend Christmas, but I didn't know what Christmas was supposed to feel like. This was my Christmas for the last 6 years, and I wouldn't change it for the world.

It reached 11 AM, and I was starting to feel quite hungry. So I put grey joggers on with a black tank top, and made my way to the Great Hall, when a boy with blonde hair caught my eyes.

He was sat by himself on a bench outside the Great Hall.

I was hesitant to walk over to him, but I remembered what we both agreed with last night.

We agreed to not talk to each other since it would only cause drama.

I ignored the boy who was sitting by himself and decided to walk past him.

This was until I felt him grab my arm. I rolled my eyes before I turned around to face him.

"What, Draco?" I sighed.

"What are you doing at Hogwarts still?" He asked me.

"I'm always here for Christmas."

Draco's eyebrows creased together, while I noticed him reading my face.

He let go of my arm and looked around.

"I'm hungry Draco, so let me eat my food in peace," I told him before I turned around to walk into the Great Hall.

There were pancakes, waffles, crumpets, scones and loads of fruits such as blackberries, strawberries, mango, raspberries and blueberries.

It was heaven.

I sat down in my seat on the Slytherin table and grabbed myself all the food I wanted, as there weren't many other people around, I could eat more.

I started digging into the waffle and pancake I had placed on top of each other when I noticed Draco had sat in front of me. But I ignored him and carried on eating my food.

Draco grabbed a fork and took a bite out of my food.

I looked up at him and gave him the deadliest stare I could. "Excuse you," I said in disbelief.

"Thanks," Draco said flatly and took another bite of my food.

I slapped his hand, "that doesn't mean you can carry on eating my food."

He shrugged his shoulders and grabbed his pancakes. Thank god.

"Um, why are you still sitting here?" I questioned him.

"Do you see any of my friends?" He pointed around the table to make his point.

I smiled at him, but I couldn't be bothered to ask any more questions.

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