chapter sixteen ; jealousy, jealousy.

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I woke up in Draco's bed and looked to see the time was seven in the morning. It was the first night I had gotten in ages where I actually got proper sleep. It was weird getting sleep. I wasn't used to it.

I sat myself up to stretch, still in Draco's t-shirt, and looked to my right only to see that he wasn't there anymore. He was gone.

But where did he go?

I threw the covers off of me and rushed out of bed, but I felt as If I was going to pass out from getting up too quickly and I sat back down on his bed.

Breathe El, breathe.

Inhale, exhale.

This time, I slowly stood up to make sure I wouldn't feel like passing out again.

"Shit," I said to myself.

How was I supposed to walk out of here without anyone seeing me? What on earth am I going to say if someone asks why I'm walking out of Draco Malfoys bedroom? Fuck.

Grow up. I thought to myself.

I removed his t-shirt and chucked it on his bed. I walked over to the other side of his bed and looked to see that my thongs and hoody weren't where it was last night. "Fuck sake Draco." I cursed to myself. What was wrong with him?

"So, new plan," I whispered to myself like an insane person.

I strolled over to his dresser and opened the first drawer, which was filled with boxers and black socks. All of them were black. Of course, they were. I picked up a pair of boxers and had no other choice but to wear them. I hate myself.

I put the boxers on so they were under my skirt, meaning I wasn't awkwardly half-naked anymore. However, I was still in my bra and I needed to wear something.

I opened the second drawer to find black and green jumpers, as well as black and green hoodies. I picked a black hoody up and instantly got his scent. I thought it would be best to just put the hoody on and leave before he come back into his room and sees me rummaging through his shit.

I shut the drawer, quickly made his bed, and practically ran out of the room as if I were never there.

I caught a glimpse of students who were in the common room as I ran to my dorm room, hoping to not be seen. And for once I was lucky and wasn't seen by anyone.

My thighs started to ache from the night before, and I remembered me and Draco. He didn't leave me or tell me to get out, he wanted me to stay, and I was feeling warm and fuzzy.

I threw his hoody off and chucked my school robes on, before giving my hair a quick brush and heading out the door to go to breakfast. I didn't care to do my makeup today as I didn't feel like I needed to.

I strolled into the Great Hall and noticed Marion sitting by herself with no food on her plate. Jerome wasn't sitting with her which was unusual. They had always sat with each other, ever since year three. That's every day for three years.

Pansy was of course with Daphne and Astoria. But Draco was nowhere to be found. Like, nowhere.

I sat opposite Marion, and the table felt empty since no one was sitting there anymore. Our whole friend group had fallen apart for reasons I didn't even understand.

Marion didn't look at me when I sat opposite her, she kept staring at the fruit bowl that sat in between us. I pouted and felt empty just looking at her.

I grabbed two waffles and a handful of strawberries, before breaking the silence. "Where is everyone?"

She shrugged her shoulders, letting a long sigh out of her nose.

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