chapter thirty-two ; demise.

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Elizabeth watched everyone be sorted into their houses.

The houses being Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.

Whichever house you got sorted into was going to define your teenage years. Determine how smart you are, your blood status, your friends, and even your grades.

It was the place to be.

She watched a blonde boy take a seat in the chair, and the hat didn't even touch his head when the hat called out "Slytherin."

The boy threw a cheeky grin at everyone and walked over to the Slytherins table.

Every house had their own tables.

It soon got to Elizabeth's turn, and she was nervous. She didn't even know she was a with two weeks ago.

A letter came to the orphanage for her, and she was confused.

But she wasn't the only one who didn't know-

Harry Potter, the boy who lived, didn't have a clue either.

Elizabeth sat down in the chair, and the whole great hall had their eyes on her. She was nervous. As nervous as an eleven year old would be.

The hat was placed on her head.

"Oh my, aren't you an interesting one..." the hat spoke.

Elizabeth didn't understand.

"You have no clue where you come from. You have survived all these years on your own..." the hat carried on.

Elizabeth couldn't help but wonder how a hat was talking to her.

She'd hoped she'd get a nice house, like Hufflepuff.

"A survivor you are. So it shall be... Slytherin!"

The Slytherin table cheered and clapped their hands together, while Elizabeth made her way over to the table.

There was an empty seat inbetween two girls.

One with short hair and a fringe, and the other with long dark hair, matched with dark skin.

"Can I sit here?" Elizabeth asked the two girls.

"Yes. Sit." The dark-skinned girl sounded excited.

Elizabeth took her seat, and held her hand out. "I'm Elizabeth Berlanti."

The other girl shook Elizabeth's hand. "I'm Marion Vine. Pureblood. What about you?"

Elizabeths face dropped. "Pureblood? What's that?"

The blonde boy from across the table spoke up, "It's your blood status. Everyone in Slytherin is a Pureblood, so you probably are as well. But help me if you're a filthy mudblood."

"Mudblood? What's that?" Elizabeth was hearing new words be spoken for the first time.

"Oh my, you really do not know anything? Did your parents never tell you about Hogwarts or something?" The blonde judged.

"I don't know my mum and dad, so no." Elizabeth answered.

"That explains it." He said. "Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." He told Elizabeth his name.

"Elizabeth Berlanti." She smiled at him.


Panic rushed over me, as I stared at Jerome some more, him doing the same to me.

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