chapter six ; love bites.

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18th may 1989.

I was sat in Mrs. Louphreys class by myself during lunch.

I didn't have any friends.

Everyone saw me as a loner. An orphan.

They weren't wrong. But I hated how my parents mistakes defined me, when I never even knew them.

I was drawing little sketches in my notebook. Such as flowers and cottages.

"Elizabeth, I have something for you." Said Mrs. Louphrey as she walked into her class with something behind her back.

"Really? What is it?" I asked.

As she walked further into the classroom, she pulled a few books from behind her back.

"I understand how lonely you feel, and growing up these books helped me escape to another world for a few hours." She started. "Whenever you feel like getting away from this world, just imagine you're here."

Mrs. Louphrey sat next me and handed me four books.

"What kind of books are they?"

"These are... these books are what I took from my childhood home when I got banished." She said with a faint smile.

The Wizarding World...

Secrets to Potions...


And Spells.

"There's a place not far from here, full of magic and powerful people." She explained.

"Does it exist?" I asked picking up one of the books.

"Maybe... who knows? But if you need an escape from reality, read these. This place can be cruel."


I woke up to heavy rain outside my window. Not a sign of the sun anywhere.

Once again I slept in. Marion and Pansy had already gone to breakfast.

What on earth happened last night?

Was it a dream?

Nothing else happened with me and Draco. We finished out cigarettes and he left. With no trace of him being here.

I suppose there was always tension between me and Draco. But never in a million dreams did I think he would act on anything.

I picked up a cigarette from my draw, and lit the cigarette up on my bed. I couldn't be bothered to get up yet.

I needed to stop it with him. What would our friends think?

Marion and Pansy would either be really excited, or, they would never speak to me again and make the rest of my time here a living hell.

Best to not say anything like the kiss, then it's like it never happened. Right?

But... what if they wanted to know? What if they wouldn't care and would rather I had said something... shit.

Why is this happening to me? Why is he doing this to me?

I finished my morning cigarette and didn't put any effort into my looks today. I simply threw on my robes and headed out the door.

The corridors were empty, considering everyone was already at breakfast in the great hall.

Once I entered the great hall, I immediately noticed my group of friends, and Draco.

Lustful ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now