chapter thirty ; the void.

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"I, always looking at you, secretly. I couldn't stop my own eyes searching for every trace of you. I am in love, alone. I felt butterflies fluttering inside me, every time our eyes meet, accidentally. But today I wonder, do you even know my name?"

- Mirai Aki.

*TW* SA. Please skip if you're uncomfortable. Viewer discretion is advised.


I pulled away from his kiss, and felt conflicted.

Many questions ran through my head. Why was he being nice to me? Why aren't we arguing? Does he like me?

I think he noticed the way my face changed because I saw him look at me, and his eyebrows creased.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

I shook my head. "Nothing." I said bluntly.

A dry laugh escaped his mouth. "There's something wrong. You just looked at me funny."

"I'm fine, nothings wrong." I said quickly, looking away from him and fiddling with my fingers.

He huffed, "there definitely is something wrong, I can see it in your eyes."

"Fuck sake Draco, I'm fine. Stop worrying."

"Worrying? Who said im worrying?" He grit out.

I looked at him again, confused, hurt, many emotions running through my head.

I opened my lips to speak: but nothing came out.

His lipped cornered to the top, causing him wear a smirk. "Can't speak for once?"

I rolled my eyes and went to move off my bed.

"Now where are you going?" He snapped at me, getting off my bed himself.

"Oh, it really doesn't matter does it?" I snapped back at him.

"What's fucking going on with you, El? You're being wierd." He said, standing infront of me.

I started to get Deja Vu from the other night. I wasn't ready to have repeat.

"I can't do this. I'm sorry, Draco-,"

"Do what?" He seethed grabbing my arms, but I pulled my arms away.

"This little thing we have going on here. It's confusing." I said, pointing a finger between the both of us.

He was about to speak, but I stopped him. "No, I don't want to hear it, im fed up with it."

A moment of silence hung between us, where we looked into each others eyes. I was waiting, just waiting, for him to say something...

He finally spoke. And the words he spoke cut through my chest and into my heart.

"I've told you before I don't like you, and quite frankly, I never will. Why can't you get that through your thick fucking skull?" He hissed, raising his eyebrows at me, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

I took a deep breath, and exhaled through my nose.

"But I guess it's my fault..." he choked out another dry laugh, a laugh as dry as chalk on a chalkboard. "It's my fault for messing around with someone who's been deprived from touch. All someone has to do is poke your arm and your head over heals for them, aren't you?" He poked my arm as an example, causing me to stumble a little.

I was speechless, all I could do was glare at him. I felt faint. Dangerously faint.

"Huh, I don't need you," He spoke slyly. "There are way better girls right outside this very door. Like Astoria for example. Hell, I may even walk out there right now and fuck her. I might even fuck her infront of your pretty little eyes." He shot me a sick smirk. A smirk that made me want to cry.

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