chapter thirty-three ; decode.

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Draco was feeling more than guilty. He felt responsible for Dumbledores death. Most likely because he was.

Draco had just left Hagrids cottage. What was left of it anyway.

He watched his auntie blow it up. He watched his auntie destroy the Great Hall, and all his memories over the years were being crushed in front of him. He watched the architecture get broken.

He saw Potter try and fight Snape.

Deep inside of him, he wanted to Potter to win. He wanted Potter to cause some damage to Snape. Inflict some sort of pain.

Draco was sat on a step inside the castle.

On the verge of tears. He was very close to crying. To letting it all out, to letting it all go. Letting himself go.

Draco needed to check on Berlanti, but he was feeling intense guilt and grief. All five stages of grief was hitting him all at once.

He had locked her in his room so she wouldn't get hurt. But he saw she had gotten out somehow when he was stood at the top of the Astronomy Tower.

The Astronomy Tower. The place they had met up in secret a few times. The place they both ran into each other and opened up a little bit. The place he lied to Elizabeth in.

Draco wanted nothing more than to be a good person. A person who made all the right choices.

He pictured a life where everyone liked him. Not likeliness disguised as fear. He hated the fact everyone feared him. He hated more than anything that Elizabeth Berlanti didn't fear him. Instead she seemed to like him.

And he liked her too, secretly.

But what feared Draco Malfoy?

The thought that Elizabeth wouldn't be here anymore. That she would cease to exist. He was scared that one day she would be taken from his world.

He wanted nothing but to runaway together and keep her safe. But he was scared.

But Draco wouldn't admit this.

Draco was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard heels clicking against the stone floor.

He looked up to see it was Elizabeth's Mother.

"Draco." She said in a quiet voice.

"Hello." He said bluntly.

She took a seat next to him.

"I didn't know you were here." He said, creasing his eyebrows at his own hands. The hands that were about to kill Dumbledore.

She took a deep sigh beside him. "Well, I wasn't. I was talking to the Dark Lord."

Dracos body shook in some more fear. "Oh yeah? Bet he's disappointed in me. I'm probably the next one to die."

"No. You're not-,"

"How would you know?" Draco spat.

"I just know. Okay?" She reassured, not offended by his reaction.

They sat in haunting silence for a moment.

"Do me a favour?" She asked.

He nodded his head, not really caring.

"Take me to see my daughter."

Draco stopped moving. The oxygen no longer reaching his lungs.

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