chapter thirty-one ; silent cries.

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I did nothing but stare and stare into space. I wanted nothing but to disappear forever, with out a trace left behind.

I was fully aware of what had just happened to me, but my brain couldn't comprehend it. I was trying to go back and remember what happened, but my mind would go blank.

It was scary.

One thing I did know for sure was that in that moment, all I wanted was Draco. But right now, I'm not too sure why.

My mind flashed to him and our memories together.

I wanted to cry but every time I felt like crying, my head would start throbbing. Probably from the wound on the side of my head that Rico so nicely gave to me.

I took a few more sips of the water that Draco had given me, and I took deep breaths to prevent any panic attacks.

I heard heavy footsteps get closer and become louder, but I didn't tear my eyes away from the wardrobe.

"Elizabeth?" I heard.

However, I didn't reply.

I heard Draco sigh and walk infront of me. He knealt down infront of me and I saw in the corner of my eye that he had the most plain and unbothered face ever.

"Elizabeth..." his voice was barely a whisper, and I felt him rest his hand on my leg.

I flinched and jerked my leg away from him, almost snapping out of my thoughts.

He raised both of his hands beside his head as a surrender, and he dragged out a low sigh.

"Do you want to have a shower? A bath? A cup of tea?" He was asking me a bunch of questions.

I finally spoke. "I don't want anything." My voice was cold and tired.

"You can't just sit here forever." He spoke, and his voice matched mine.

"Why not?" I raised my eyebrows, finally glancing over at him.

Our eyes were fixed on each other, but we both stared at each other like a boring book.

"Because—," he stopped.

My face didn't twitch, where I continued to stare at him.

"El, it's late and you need to get some sleep." Said Draco.

"I don't want to sleep." I said defensively.

His eyebrows creased, and he searched my face.

"Well what do you want to do? What do you want?" He asked once more, yet my patience didn't go.

"I want—," I breathed in. "I want to disappear." A single tear formed in the corner of my eye, and it didn't take long for it to roll down my cheek.

I stood up from his bed and walked over to his bathroom.

"What are you doing?" He rushed infront of me, fear laced in his voice, but his face was still cold and distant.

"Washing the dirt off me." I sobbed quietly.

I moved around Draco and walked closer to his bathroom.

"Do you want me with you?" He asked, his lips tugging into a small smirk.

Why was he bloody smirking?

"No... I want to be by myself." I said, and locked the door.

"Alright well, I'm on the other side of the door if you need me."

I stayed sat down in the shower for a good hour, possibly longer. I was imagining the water turning brown, as if the dirt and filth was coming off of me.

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