chapter four ; the yule ball.

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My hand was in Fred Weasley's hand.

He was spinning me around the dance floor at the Yule Ball Dance.

I was wearing a cherry red dress, with cherry red glitter scattered from the chest to the bottom of my dress.

And Fred was wearing a long black blazer with a white shirt underneath. And to top it all off he had a black bow tie.

I was having a good time.

I was laughing and smiling the whole night.

Fred knew how to make a girl enjoy herself.

He made me feel sexy and powerful.

Respected me.

"You know how to dance, Elizabeth." Fred whispered in my ear. This gave me goosebumps across my entire body, and made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"And you know how to dance yourself, Fred." I whispered back.

I pulled myself away as Fred twirled my body under his arms, as a devilish but genuine smirk grew on my face.

The whole night my eyes didn't leave his.

His presence was all I needed for this night to be amazing.

As we kept dancing, my attention landed onto my best friend and her date Jerome Clarke.

She was wearing an emerald green dress, with flowers sewed onto the chest part of her dress.

Jerome however, had a light grey suit on, accompanied by a pastel pink tie.

Marion was smiling ear to ear. Jerome was spinning her around the dance floor so gracefully.

All I was thinking was how perfect they'd be together.

But, in the corner of my eye I saw Draco dancing with his girlfriend Astoria. He was already eyeing me by the time I looked at him.

He didn't seem too interested in his girlfriend, Astoria.

"Let me look at those gorgeous blue eyes of yours, El." Said Fred as he grabbed my chin gently.

"Oh, stop it." I blushed as he admired the eyes he wanted to look into.

Moments passed of my head against his chest. I could hear his heart beating against his rib cage.

His hand was resting on my waist, and the other hand was intertwined with mine.

"Um, I need to go to the bathroom." I said shyly, pulling away from our dance.

"Alright. I'll be waiting for you." Said Fred.

He placed a small kiss onto my forehead before I left the great hall to go to the bathroom.

I quickly walked out of the loud great hall, and headed towards the girls bathroom where I met Marion.

"Hey El, how's Fred?" Marion squealed at me, grabbing my hands and pulling them close to her chest.

"Ugh, he's so sweet. Who knew a Gryffindor could be so amazing?" I blushed looking up at the ceiling.

"I know right! I'd say go for it." She smiled at me.

"So, tell me about Jerome?" I questioned her.

"He wants to take me out over the weekend to the three broomsticks." Marion beamed now leaning against one of the sinks.

"Awh. Do it." I encouraged her.

"You know I will. I've already said yes." She laughed at me.

We both made an exit out of the girls bathroom and into the lit up corridor.

A tall blonde was leant against the stone wall, looking at me and my best friend walk together.

"Marion, mind if I steal your girlfriend for a moment?" Joked Draco with his eyebrows raised and his arms across his chest.

"Sure. But don't keep her for too long." Marion smirked at him before walking back into the great hall.

"What?" I sighed at him.

"You don't seem happy to see me at all, Berlanti." Draco chuckled pushing himself off of the wall to stand in front of me.

"I am happy."

"Are you?"

"Yes. Why wouldn't I be?" I laughed at him. I just didn't want him ruining my night.

"What are you doing with a Gryffindor? Hmm? Tell me." He queried, his hand going to touch to straps on my dress.

I smacked his hand causing him to jerk it away in an instant. But his face had smug written all over it.

"That hurt..." Said Draco, him now pouting his lips.

"I'm so sorry." I said sarcastically rolling my eyes at him.

"For real though, what on earth are you doing with a Weasley?" He snickered at me, his expression more serious now.

He was looking down on me, his face was dark and mysterious.

"I like him. Like a lot. What's it got to do with you—."

"Oh please." He scoffed. "Couldn't even go for George, who by the way is way better than Fred if you ask me."

"I didn't ask you." I scoffed back.

Draco didn't say anything else. He stood there looking at my cherry red dress, and then back into my blue eyes.

"Look at you giving girl advice. Who knew?" I laughed rolling my eyes at him.

"Shut up." He snapped at me. "You're different this year, Berlanti. Your figure, your face, your everything. You've matured. I like that." Said Draco, looking at me lustfully.

"Keep dreaming, Draco Malfoy." I whispered into his ear before walking away and leaving the conversation I didn't want to be in.

There was tension between us. Yes. No point in denying it. But he's a cruel and spiteful person. No way in hell was me and him ever going to happen. I'd be nothing but a fool if I let myself believe for a second he cared about me. He didn't know how to care about anyone.

Sorry for the short chapter. I didn't want this flashback to be long but might as well make it it's own chapter aha. I hope you enjoyed itttt<33 spice next chapter btw so if ur uncomfortable with it u can always skip it.

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