chapter thirteen ; the astronomy tower.

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"Do you actually think You-Know-Who is back?" Pansy whispered to everyone.

Me, Marion, Jerome, Blaise, Draco and Pansy were in the Great Hall having our dinner. Gossiping about the latest Educational Decrees. Professor Umbridge was sat at the front of the Great Hall watching all of us eat.

Compared to recent years, the Hall was never this quiet. Candles were no longer floating above us. Boys had to sit on one side of the bench, girls on the other. That was thanks to Umbridge's stupid "boys and girls have to be at least eight inches apart." Like, what?

"Probably." Said Blaise stuffing his mouth with roast potatoes.

"Should we do anything to stop him, if he is?" I suggested. "I heard Harry and his friends are doing something."

"Maybe. It'd be good to know how to defend ourselves." Marion agreed with me.

"We shouldn't do anything." Draco blurted.

We all gave him judgy looks.

"Why? We aren't even being taught how to defend ourselves in Defence Against the Dark Arts anymore." Pansy snickered at the blonde.

"I don't care. Father says Dumbledore was a shit, Headmaster. This school is finally getting some help." He grits out of his teeth.

"No offence mate, but your father used to be a Death Eater. So if You-Know-Who is back, I don't want to hear it." Jerome fake laughed, patting Draco on the back.

"You do you I guess, but I'm with the ministry on this." Said Draco.

The majority of us shook our heads at Draco. He really was a stubborn prick.

"All I'm going to say is that these rules are ridiculous." I sighed pushing my food around on my plate.

"I agree." Said Pansy, and Marion nodded.

"I mean, have you seen the rules?"

"Umbridge knows her rules are ridiculous, that's why she hangs them up. So she doesn't forget them herself." Jerome laughed loudly, and the rest of us -- apart from Draco -- laughed as well.

Everyone around us went quiet, after hearing all of us laugh.

"Maybe if he is back, my parents would be around again?" I let out hope in my voice.

Blaise was shaking his head at me, suggesting I stop talking.

"What?" I queried.


"I hope you're enjoying yourself there, Ms Berlanti!" Professor Umbridge shrieked behind me. The hall went silent, watching.

I dropped my fork to my plate, and my breath started to hitch. I scrunched my nose up and turned around to face her.

She had that annoying fake smile on her face, with her arms folded across her chest.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" She shrieked again.

"I am..." I scoffed.

"Good. But you know it's against school rules to tell lies." She growled at me.

"I'm not telling lies-,"

"Oh, but you are. Stand up." She said in a high-pitched tone.

"I'm not going to stand up, can't you fucking see I'm in the middle of eating-,"

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