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Drama lol. Anyways I thought that was cool up top in the captain. I'm an Aries wbu?
xo ~A

Luna's POV

It smells really bad on the bus. Like if your going to smell like Deodarentless David from my childhood than you can just leave. Like no.
Lily isolates herself from the rest of us as she stalks Luke's twitter. It doesn't take a genius to understand that she misses him terribly.
It's clear as day.
I frown.
Niall trots around the bus like a stupid jock that just won a game.
And then we have Roxanne in the back giggling.
Zayn totally brainwashed her.
Stupid godly attractive foreign people.
Roxanne comes over after awhile to sit with us.
"How was your play date with Zayn?" I ask.
She frowns.
Lily and I crack up.
"Is he really more important than us? There is no Zayn in team"
"I believe the term is, there is no 'I' in team" Lily corrects.
I roll my eyes.
"We were just talking" Roxanne explains.
The bus comes to a stop and we all groan and grab our stuff.
Niall opens the back window and leaps out, ignoring the driver's feeble yelling.
We shrug and follow his example.
Once we're out of the bus, our bodyguards escort us quickly into the studio. The doors are shut and we're safe. I lean against the wall and slide down it until I'm sitting on the floor and my legs are straight out in front of me.
We basically just sit there awkwardly as that short beefy man that works for the boys tells us we'll be escorted backstage shortly because we have " a visitor."
Louis and Niall play soccer with Harry's empty water bottle until Roxanne gets irritated that they're making so much noise and basically breaks the object into two pieces.
That's when Simon comes in.
I can't stand him just as much as I can't stand his annoying fake tan and his stupid square head.
"Gentleman, Ladies. Follow me" he instructs briskly.

Lily's POV

We follow Simon down the hall.
No way is this pisspot going to tell me what I can and can't do.
Well, he already did.
Harry reaches for my hand, sensing my insecurity.
I look up at him and he nods reassuringly before I take it.
I shouldn't be doing this.
But I guess I feel myself warming up to Harry.
I respect he has given me my space even though at times he may give up on his nonexistent restraining order.
Simon takes out a key from his suit pocket and motions us to go in.
I don't object.
Luna tries not to oblige but Roxanne snaps an order to her and she quickly paces into the room.
It's hard not to be afraid of Roxanne .
We take our seats.
There's five stools but Luna claims hers before anyone can get to one so Roxy, Zayn, and Liam have to stand.
Roxy frowns.
"Where are your manners, ladies first" Liam snaps.
"Yeah Louis, ladies first" Luna reiterates and kicks the seat so he looses his balance.
"Thanks man" she says.
"Don't mention it" he replies with the bitchiest smile I have ever seen a grown boy pull off.
"Okay, now that your all here we need to talk about some things before you go onstage for your interview" Simon addresses.
No one is really paying attention to
Zayn stays silent and focuses on making a paper clip lanyard.
"Yeah hurry up so we can get this shit over with" Roxy mumbles.
"Roxanne Rodriguez is that any way to talk to your manager?" He barks.
It's hard to be intimidated by a cranky man with an oddly shaped head.
"Probably not" she shrugs carelessly.
All the boys crack up. Zayn looks up admiringly at her. What he thinks is cute know is actually not going to be that fun later.
Simon frowns.
"Drop the attitude Roxanne before I replace you with someone more respectful and responsible"
"Name one person in this room who actually gives a fuck" she retorts.
Here we go.
He looks around as when e can't find anyone he just pinches the bridge of his nose. Everyone laughs this time.
Even Luna who would most likely be scolding Roxanne for using explicit language.
"Sorry Simon, but to be honest, your just a filthy old geezer that no one likes" Luna adds.
Everyone seems to nod in agreement.

Roxy's POV

"Wait what?!" Lily exclaims, "YOUR going onstage with us?!"
"I am" Simon answers calmly.
The boys groan.
"Ugh what are we being punished for?!" Luna cries.
Simon rolls his eyes.
"If you eight disastrous children go out there without me and screw things up then you will be taught a very serious lesson. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yeah whatever" Luna waves him off, playing some mindless game on her phone.
"Watch your mouth Miss Jones" He barks.
She makes a face to mock him but he already knows he's no match for us.
"And if any of you decide to be a smartass on Live Television than we shall have a lovely chat after the show" he snaps.
Someone is PMSing.
"Now run along and get ready because we're on in forty five"
I follow Zayn out of the room.
"He seems angry" I whisper.
"Don't worry, love. He's just trying to
scare us."
I notice Harry and Lily walking together. They talk in hushed voices. Harry says something and she blushes before walking over to Luna and I to get ready to go onstage.
"Ooo what were you and Harry talking about?" Luna pesters Lily nosily.
"Quiet Luna"
I decide to let Luna bug her about it while I search for something to wear.
All there are are floral dresses and other girly shit like that. Gross.
I eventually come across a decent short black dress in which the fabric is cut to end mid thigh. It's a bit girly with the black lace collar but other than that I guess it's fine.
I look in the large vanity propped up in the center of the room and notice how it squeezes my curves. It feels annoying but it does compliment my body and I don't have time to go through all those hideous colors again to find something decent.
Luna trots in in front of Lily. Her pastel lavender dress isn't nearly as tight fitting as Lily's or mine.
"Hot damn you look sexy Rox!" she laughs. She doesn't usually swear so I'm glad she agrees that I must look somewhat decent.
"You look great Rox" Lily smiles, "I'm sure Zayn will like it. Your such a tease you asshole"
"Gee thanks" I say, "You guys look great too"
I admire Lily's dress which is short and blue with a sweetheart neckline.
"Is this dress too slimming? What do you guys think?"
"It's perfect Roxy. You can actually get away with that stuff when I on the other hand would look like an absolute twig" Luna points out.
I laugh at her analogy.
"Come on let's go" Lily instructs.
We follow her out the door on our way to meet the boys and our special guest of course. Simon Cowell.

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