Trailor parks and goodbyes

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Luna's POV

"Hey so are we going on tour with them or not?" I ask Lily, who caters to many overall decisions of our group. She's sort of in charge like that cus she claims I'm too immature and Roxy "doesn't give a fuck" at all.
Lily bites her bottom lip, her glassy blue eyes stare down at her hands as she plays with her fingers in a feverish way. She doesn't look happy.
"I really don't know Luna.."
Someone knocks on the door. I go to get it. It's one of our attendants. She is a plastic looking lady that wears butt-pants and drawn on eyebrows.
"Simon Cowell would like to speak to the lot of you" she tells me.
"Uh..ok" I manage, stuffing my hands in my shorts pockets.
"Great. Be at the studio at four"
There's a nappy lameness to her voice.
I guess if I drew on my eyebrows and wore butt-pants I'd be like that too.
Why the heck does Simon want to see us? I mean, I know he's our manager but what is he going to do? Chew us out for screwing something up? At least we're not like his peevish Arseholed 'nephews.'
That's when it hits me like a bus. This is most likely regarding those 'nephews.' There's been a lot of excitement in both of our fandoms latley. And I know Simon will be running up his mouth about what the deal is on all this "tour craze."

Lily's POV

"Wait what? Why the hell would HE want to see us?"
It's not like I don't like Simon. He's just like this super old guy who has no life besides being a filthy rich pig.
"Yeah I know. I'm surprised he's not dead yet" jokes Roxy.
I decide to put on a little more eyeliner; it couldn't hurt. As well as straightening my hair. Because I washed up this morning, I won't have to shower tonight, which will leave it straighter for longer. Not like I'd actually fix myself up for that grease pig I'm going to see, but just to make me feel less..dead? There's so many things going on right now, I feel like I have a foot in the grave.
Roxy allows us to take her black jeep because it will be more casual than arriving in a limousine.
I feel relief flooding through me as I'm
sure Simon will clear up this mess.
We walk through the air conditioned halls of the lobby and say our hellos to a few of the perky employees. As we reach Simons office, Roxy turns the doorknob. And there he is on the phone with one of his clients or some
shit like that. I guess I'm just more impatient today so I sit in between Roxy and Luna.
Simon hangs up his phone and folds his hands in a perfect business manner. It annoys the hell out of me.
"Good evening ladies" he says with a smile upon his square head.
"It's twelve thirty" Luna corrects, a
shitload of sass evident in her tone.
"Wow Luna, I'm surprised you can tell time" he replies.
She shoots him a glare.
Roxy plays with the scissors on his desk and asks,
"So why are we here?"
"Yeah, what's going on?" I question.

Roxy's POV

"Let me explain" Simon starts.
"You damn better explain" I sass.
Simon pinches the bridge of his nose as if he were giving up on us.
"What those boys did for you made you look an awful lot desirable to your fans and theirs as well. In fact, I reckon if you WERE to tour with them you'd have just as much publicity"
"We can't just leave Ashton, Luke, Michael and Calum" Luna explains.
"Yeah, why would we want to have more publicity while we already tour with 5sos. It just doesn't make sense" Lily adds.
"What the boys are asking should not be of a burden to you. They're great lads, and I'm sure you'll end up with one of them in the end" he states smirkingly.
Luna looks as if she is about to jump out of her seat and strangle him.
"So what do you say to my offer?" He asks.
"No" the three of us state as if on
Simon chuckles.
"It was a rhetorical question. Your going on tour with them. So pack your bags for London"
He cannot be serious.
Before any of us can protest Simon calls out;
"Boys, get in here!"
And the door behind him opens up, revealing all five gorgeous assholes.
And that's when I know that there's only one direction. The very direction that those five bastards walk in.

Luna's POV

I don't think that I'm seeing right.
There they all are in the flesh. And I can't help but scowl. How do they have so many fangirls if their presence makes me want to vomit?
There's Harry, Louis and Zayn and then two others. Simon introduces them as Niall and Liam. Niall's a bleach blonde I can confirm when I see his dark roots of hair and Liam on the other hand is a more muscular boy with brunette hair and brown eyes a shade darker than Zayn's.
"Hello loves, very nice to see you again" Louis chirps, flashing his perfect teeth. I have to squint to see if they are actually real.
"And I'm so glad we can tour together. We wrote that song just for the lot of you" Harry says with a smile.
"Yeah, well we appreciate it but.." starts Lily.
"But they cannot wait to join you boys on your tour" Simon finishes for her.
I notice a scowl on her face. I don't blame her. Simons an ox. A stupid one too.
"Are you all so desperate that you have to bring us along on your fricking tour?!" Lily exclaims.
"Nah, were just really fond of you 's all" states the blondie; Niall, in a thick Irish accent.
Aww crud..there's no way out of this.

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