Girl's night

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Luna's POV

Liam does this thing were anything he says can sound great. Except when,
"Little Black Dress will be beginning work on their second album" means being asked a ton of personal questions from Julian.
Being Jesus, I thought he'd already know this stuff.
"You're all in relationships, correct?"
is the first question he asks.
"Yes" Lily answers.
"And how are they?"
"Good" Lily replies again.
Roxanne and I don't say anything. I'm far past the point of caring right now. And so is she.
"Alright," he sighs, "Do any of you play hard to get?"
"Luna does" Roxanne acknowledges.
"So? Lily does it too."
Lily's cheeks tint red.l
"I just find that stupid" Roxanne snorts.
"Well at least I don't 'worship in the bedroom' Hozier" I snap.
"I uhm..don't need to know that much" Julian states awkwardly.
Roxanne glowers at me.
I hope she doesn't kill me later.
I'm too feeble and weak to take her on.
"Is there a specific genre you girls are settled on?" Ruth-Anne asks.
"We just do whatever we want" I state.
"Alternative, Rock, Pop."
"Okay. We can work with that. You are free to go once you sign this contract."
Roxanne raises a brow.
"A contract?"
"Yes. So we know you're agreeing to the production of this album."
I exchange a glance with Lily and Roxanne. Lily nods me her reassurance but Roxanne narrows her eyes in suspicions.

"Are we done here now?" Roxanne asks saucily.
"Mrs. Porter wishes to speak with you three later today. She's out at a meeting for now, but she'll be back. Four at the latest."
A meeting? With who? Briggs?
Natalie is starting to scare me a lot. She's always wearing those stupid turtle necks. The green one makes her look like a reptile. Especially when she wears her red heels paired with a snakeskin clutch. Louis says he'd bet his life the women is having an affair with Briggs.
I actually wouldn't be surprised.

"Any requests for the liquor store?" Niall asks.
"Alcohol? Again?" I ask, "Why?"
"The more important question," Harry replies, "Is why not?"
I roll my eyes. He's no different than Lily sometimes.
"Nothing extravagant Horan" Liam warns.
"No promises."
"What have you lasses been up to?" Harry inquires, "Haven't seen you three for at least an hour."
"Working on our album" Lily answers, examining her nails in a very diva-like way.
Louis looks up from his phone.
"Are you booked later on too?"
"Yeah, with tortoise-woman."
He lets out a groan.
"Thought she left us for good."

Lily's POV

"Tortoise woman" sits at her desk. We gather around her like students; her being the centered authority.
"Why are we here?" Roxanne demands impatiently.
Natalie folds her hands together. Her nails are a blindingly flamboyant vermillion. She has long fingers for a woman.
"I have some news for you."
"It's good news, right?" Luna asks, feverishly.
"Depending on what you make of it."
Roxanne exchanges a glance with the two of us.
"So.." I trail off.
"I'm not going to sugar coat this as you would say," she starts, "The lot of you have been working with another indie band, 5sos for two years, am I right?"
I nod.
"And One Direction chose you over them to take under their wing, to pre-expose you to a higher extent of musical industry."
"Go on" Roxanne urges.
"Now these boys couldn't just sit around waiting for you. Loyalty is paired with availability. If they couldn't reach you, they knew things couldn't continue as they once were. Therefore, the sought out a record deal. And that they got. Not only that, but they've also gotten signed under a label."
I practically melt.
They'd gotten a record deal, and a label. They have a good shot now.
I feel a smile tug at my lips. I'm so proud of them.
"That's great!" I exclaim.
"So that's the apprehensive bad news?" Luna queries.
"She's getting to it Lu" I hear Roxanne snort.
"So, they're doing great" I say.
"Yes, which is our exact problem. Their fame could override that of your own."
"Pfft, yeah right" Luna cracks.
"That's bullshit" I catch Roxanne say under her breath.
I quiet her with a stern look.
"We don't preform the same type of music as they do" I state.
"Yeah," Roxanne sides, "They do their thing and we'll do ours."
Natalie shakes her head.
"You don't understand Miss Rodriguez. I understand both of your groups have always stood together, never alone. But a time comes where a choice has to be made."
"Spit it out!" Luna snorts rudely.
Natalie gives the insolent girl a look and then sighs.
Her next words make my blood run cold, my head spin, and my breath hitch. With a force strong enough to suffocate me.
"You must understand that the position you are in is much coveted. The beginning of your immense fame, career, wealth and status. How tempting and desirable that is? Especially to those wanting to stand in your place. Perhaps I am being too vague. Little Black Dress, 5sos are fighting for your spot."

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