Part One

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Luna's POV

"So, what are you girls thinking? Pizza?" asks Michael, teetering on his heels at the suggestion of his favorite food.
"We had that yesterday" Says Lily matter-of-factly from her place on the couch next to Luke.
"Well what do you want then?"

5Sos and our girl's band Little Black Dress have been touring together for the past couple of months. Now we've finally settled down for awhiles break. And let me tell you that we've been successful. Our names are topping the charts and we're first too. Next to One Direction that is. But once our new album comes out, those British Peacocks won't stand a chance.

They continue to argue.

Luke secures his arm around Lily's hourglass waist.

Lily and Luke. What cheeky alliteration their names together make. They've been dating for some time now. Before tour began awhile ago. Three months maybe. I wasn't keeping track.

Lily's POV

Luke and I have been dating for the past 3 and a half months. And so far I'd say it's going great. He has a lot of respect for me unlike the typical 18 year old bastard I would usually encounter.
Roxy and Calum come out of the kitchen deeply engaged in a conversation while Ashton clogs down the stairs in his ashy leather boots and green bandana. He has a similar style to that Harry guy from One Direction. I know that because Little Black Dress simply cannot not see them when we are signed under the same music label; Syco, as One Direction. Of course that's only because we've went through the pain of trying out on the X-Factor while our allied boy band friends got "discovered" and signed under Capitol.
I get pulled out of my muse as Ashton appears at my side next to Luke.
"Hey" he greets simply.
Luna is first to comment.
"Didn't you wear that same shirt yesterday?"
I can't help but notice the same wolf shirt he wore at least three days this week. He must really like that shirt.
"Yeah. Why do you care?"
"So your didn't bathe yourself?"
He rolls his eyes and ignores her. It's obvious what the answer is.

Roxy's POV

There's a silence in my car. Calum messes with my radio but I'm too exhausted to care. There's like nothing on so we end up listening to Katy Perry.
"Wait why am I here again?" He asks awkwardly. That's the thing I like about Calum. He's a little awkward, but in a cute and funny way. Not to mention he's always had a little crush on me that the boys like to tease him about.
"Because you were going to help me run some errands"
"Oh, right" he replies, his tone seeming to be excited. I try to tell myself to appreciate him more since he was the only one who willingly agreed to come with me.
Lily and Luke went out and Luna and the rest of the boys were just too lazy to care.
Some song I've heard only a couple of times comes on the radio.
"And now we have Story of My Life by the One Direction Boys"
Immediately, the once mellow Calum slams his hand down on the off-switch.
His action is so abrupt, that I nearly swerve and hit the curb as we head out of the parking lot.
"What the hell Calum?!"
"I'm sorry Roxy, I just hate that song a lot" he replies innocently, without meeting my eye.
I exhale morosely; I wasn't all that mad. Just startled.
"It's alright Cal. I know how you feel. Luna makes me listen to Pharrel Williams whenever she rides shotgun"
He gives me a small, feverish smile and his eyes seem to glint in relief.
But I don't understand. It was just a stupid song that I actually found pretty good..
Thats when I realize the band playing was One Direction. They had always pulled ahead of both of our groups. And sadly for us, they were on a winning streak. I just wonder why Calum was acting so strange.

Luna's POV

The boys have all went off to go somewhere once Luke and Calum got back. I'm honestly kind of glad I get to spend time with my band mates. We've all been busy lately.
"So how did your date with Luke go?" I ask her.
"It wasn't really a date. We just went mini-golfing" she shrugs.
"That sounds like a legitimate date to me" Roxy laughs.
"How did those errands go?" Lily asks.
"Okay. As errands go. But Calum was acting pretty weird today"
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Well that Story of My Life song played and he slammed it off like it was his job. I mean, he's in a boy band himself, it can't be that bad"
"Well One Direction is our competition" Lily informs.
"Yeah but he was acting like he was scared or something"
"Your right, that is pretty odd of Cal"
(Omg whenever I type Cal I think of Calpurnia from that dang mockingbird book)
Of course I know who One Direction are. But I've forgotten what they looked like. Their songs are always on the radio. But it's not like I do explicit research on them. That's not what famous people are supposed to do, right?

Lily's POV

I do want to know why Calum is acting that way. What if it's something important I need to know? Or a secret?
I turn to Luna and Roxy.
"I'm going to text Luke. He's out with the rest of the boys and we'll be home alone for a few hours. I say we go clubbing. I'm fucking sick of doing noting all day"
"Yeah that sounds like fun" says Roxy.
"Eh, I guess" Luna replies.
I decide to straighten my thick blonde hair after I finish with eyeliner, nude lipstick, and generous coats of mascara on my eyelashes.
It goes perfectly with the silver club dress I've been excited to wear for a long time. And nows my chance. I finish with stiletto heels and a silver clutch. I'm beginning to question if going clubbing is a good idea while having a boyfriend at the same time. I decide to shrug it off. Night clubs usually have douchey guys, so it isn't anything I'm not used to.
Luna wears a pastel blue dress which works well with her cool toned skin. It's shaped appropriately for her body type, flaring out at the waist instead of squeezing her smaller frame. She wears her dirty blonde hair in a high ponytail and a fair amount of eyeliner only on her lid to make her brown eyes appear larger and more eminent.
Roxy on the other hand has dressed nearly the exact opposite. Despite any fun pastel colors, she wears a stark black dress that accentuates
her curves. It shows a modest amount of cleavage and her pairing of leather studded heels makes her badass style more prominent then ever. Her hair is curled and she wears her signature red lipstick on her perfect Cupid's bow shaped lips.

Roxy's POV

I'm actually pretty excited to go clubbing. I'll be able to get out of the house for once. Oh, won't that be nice.
I slam the door of the cruddy black rustbucket jeep I own. Being a multi-millionaire, I should have already bought a new car. We get into the club to hear the usual booming music that could probably kill you if you stood too close to the speakers. During our "grand entrance" we encounter a few fans but not an overwhelming amount. The smell of alcohol is intoxicating as I reach the bar. However, the club is fairly new and doesn't smell entirely of drunk people. Luna and Lily decide to tag along although Luna was never much of a drinker.
"I have to drive you guys home. Don't go crazy. Okay?" the parentally blondie warns.
I wave her off and make my way up to the bar, ordering a shot of vodka.
Lily and I have a conversation while he prepares it.
"Miss. This man paid for your drink" says the bartender.
I turn around to see a boy about my height stand behind me. He has the same olive skin tone as I do. And he may just be the most beautiful young man I've ever seen.
He has smoldering dark topaz eyes and a jet black quiff of hair along with a perfect jawline and sharp chiseled features. He is absolutely stunning. I suddenly feel exposed around the stranger.
"Thank you" I say sheepishly, my cheeks beginning to burn, as if they were wanting to embarrass me.
"Of course. Anything for a beautiful girl like yourself" he replies, smiling warmly. He has a thick British accent. I melt at this compliment.
"My names Roxy Rodriguez, and you ?" I ask, feeling a sudden burst of confidence.
"Forgive me love, my names Zayn Malik. And these are my two lads Louis and Harry"
I nod in acknowledgment towards the two others. They're pretty attractive themselves, but Zayn was just so captivating I didn't seem to notice.
The Harry guy starts talking to Lily. He seems to be a charming guy with his brilliant green eyes, genuinely adorable dimples, and mousey brown curly hair. And the third boy, Louis is just as cute. He has chestnut hair and cyan eyes that squint slightly as if hes been smiling for too long because its quite the opposite of Simon Cowell's resisting bitch face. He seems to have a bubbly personality with that stupid grin plastered on his face. It makes me nauseous actually. One perky person is more than enough. Maybe if Luna cared enough for boys they'd be friends.

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