A driving lesson

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Luna's POV

"Louis what happened to watching the movie? Ah, you're being too rough!"

"Am not."

He continues kissing my neck and even though it feels really good, I also feel kind of dirty.

It's something Roxanne and Zayn would maybe do.

Before frickle frackling though.


I bite my lip, but fail to suppress a sound too sexual for my liking.

Louis stops what he's doing to smirk at me.

Just so his conceited ass can get the bragging rights.

"Looney, did you just moan?"

"No" I deny, "It was Benson."

Blaming the dog usually works.

Harry knocked over the entire pitcher of lemonade yesterday, and blamed it on the dog.

Everyone but Lily believed him.

"It's Bella actually" he corrects, making his voice sound gay so he impersonates Lily.

I laugh so hard that my ribs start to hurt.

"Go turn off the light" I say, "please?"
"It's closer to you."

"But I'm more tired than you."

I remember having the same conversation with Lily yesterday.

Except she basically made me the one who turned off the light with her blonde charm.

"You're welcome" he says, when he returns to his spot next to me.

"Thanks" I reply dryly.

I never really shared a bed with a boy before besides for watching movies sometimes.

Like when I felt bad for Niall and let him watch Netflix with me.

Good times.

Or when we were all trapped in the tent together.

That wasn't exactly fun though.

Especially after Niall ate baked beans that day.

It's a kind of awkward silence between us for awhile which is weird because nothing is ever awkward between us.

"Hey Lou?" I whisper.


"Will you see my family with me on Tuesday? You don't have to if you don't want."

He fixes his posture to look at me through doting cyan eyes.

His hair is unkempt after I'd ran my fingers through it, and his eyelashes cast little shadows on his delineate cheekbones.

His eyebrows knit together like they do when he's upset.

He's so pretty though.

"No, of course I want to. I'd love to."

I feel slightly relieved.

I hope my brother doesn't make him feel horrible about himself or scare him away like my boyfriends in high school.

And I never even had that that many.

Now he's top tool of his high school.

Only popular because I'm his sister.

My parents deserve a Grammy for putting up with his crap for so long.

I know what my dad looks for in a boy I'm going out with; smart, athletic, good sense of humor.

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