Moral support (Luna^)

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Louis's POV

"And the best part is, no one would suspect us be here" I say. She struggles to lower herself from the dock.
"Do you need help love?" I ask.
"No. I'm not that helpless" she protests, "Some of us women care to do things ourselves"
I chuckle towards her stubbornness.
"What? I'm feeling especially feminist today" she acknowledges, stepping lightly into the canoe.
"I've noticed" I comment.
"Why do you even want to go out with me?, I mean, we have to be nice and all sappy and weird" she states.
"Dunno. I've always fancied a girl who gives me a hard time. What's the challenge if you don't have to earn your keep?" I try.
"Your probably right, though I hate to admit it. But I'm sure Zayn doesn't mind Roxanne considering how desperate she is"
"Agreed. That girl is thirsty."
"She has a really good butt though. I guess boys are really into that stuff. And it's especially weird that you have better curves than I do"
I let out a laugh.
"Until Roxanne came along and one-uped me"
Luna shrugs,
"She's hard to beat"
"I guess so"
I grab both oars and push the secured boat away from the dock.
"Are we going to have any chances of survival if someone finds is here?" She asks.
I find myself smirking like an idiot.
"What do you think? Are you embarrassed to be seen with me? Am I going to ruin your good girl reputation?"
"What?! No!" she counteracts, "it's just stupid that Simon's in on this dating crud. He's such a dunce"
I flash her a smile. Her vocabulary is almost as vintage as her shoes.
"Well see, the thing with Simon is that he's a major perv. Not the kind of perv that forks over his cash to watch hookers, but the kind that has to live his life through us 'cus he's so lonely. So I'm pretty much your best bet if you don't want to end up like poor old Simon" I explain.
"But Lou," she whines, "that's pretty much a loose loose situation!"
I lift her chin so that her large brown eyes are narrowed at me.
"Don't be such a pessimist"
She scoffs,
"I'm mildly insulted"
I'm glad I didn't pick somewhere super extravagant to take her to. Harry's idea of a beach was pretty decent but Zayn should know better than to take Roxanne out to get drunk. He must really want to get laid.
"Can I ask you something?" I inquire.
"Sure ox"
"Are you going to be upset when the VMAS are over, the tour and all? I know I'll be. I guess us lads just wanted you to like us. Stupid, I know"
"It's not stupid, and yeah, probably. I like hanging out with you guys" she replies.
"I like hanging out with you too Looney" I coo.
She scrunches her nose.
"You turned out pretty good in the end, dingus"
"Thanks. I might not be as virtuous as Luna Jones, but I guess my asshole level has downgraded since you got here."
"Glad I could help."
"We won't have a lot of time left though, I don't know what's going to happen to us after the VMAS. It's undecided I guess."
I feel awful knowing they're eventually going to find out about the decision. But it's not my decision. It's my boss's. Something so bastardize that there will inevitably be war.
"Mmm" she hums to acknowledge me.
I stop the boat at the dock and dismount the thing.
"Well are you going to help me out?" comes the hasty remark.
I roll my eyes and reach for her hand.
"Just kidding, I've got it"
"Sorry if it wasn't much" I apologize, "I'm not a really romantic guy"
"Oh don't worry. I wouldn't want a sappy romantic boyfriend anyways. Thanks for taking me"
"Of course" I answer.
I decide it's now or ever to make a move.
"You know, I didn't think you'd actually agree to go out with me" I say.
"Yeah, neither did I. Where's the fun in being easy when you can work for the prize?"
"Oh please, I've worked for the prize" I say. My face isn't far from hers, so I kiss her lightly on the lips.
"Hey that wasn't fair!" she whines when I draw back.
"Sorry love, but I don't play fair"

Harry's POV

"It's going to be incredibly hard to beat me you know" I say, setting down the blue and orange golf balls.
"We'll see" she laughs.
"I'll let you go first" I offer.
"What a gentleman"
She sets down her blue ball and taps it with ease into the little hole.
Drawing a strand of blonde hair from her eyes, she laughs lightly,
"Good luck"
I ease my ball in as well. It's the least difficult course.
We walk over to the second one.
She positions her feet sideways and hits a little harder this time. The ball tumbles down two curves and into the hole.
"Your having fun, right?" I ask.
"Yes Harry" she laughs, "Why so nervous?"
" Im sorry, " I apologize, " 'S just that, I felt like an ass, coveting you when you had your boyfriend. But it made me so jealous. And now your going out with me and I can't help but drown myself in a pool of my own remorse"
"It wasn't working for me. Things come up" she actually fricking defends me for being a dick!
"But we practically forced you to come on tour with us!" I object.
She flashes me a sad smile.
"Well I had the opportunity to meet new people. It's rewarding to step out of your comfort zone."
She collects her ball and we walk to the third course.
I want to win her over so badly, but I'll only have three more days. Three more days to try and make her mine.
"Tell me about him" I decide to ask of her, "Luke"
She stops altogether and turns to me. Her icy blue eyes look as if they are about to shatter, as if made of porcelain.
Oh nice going Harry.
Your in for it now.
"Why do you want to know about Luke? You knew him before" she states matter of factly. Her tone has changed. It's softer and more thought out.
"Well tell me how he's changed" I suggest gently.
"Alright," she exhales, "Well, he was
always the shy one. But I got him to open up. More outgoing than Zayn I guess, but not solitary. But i didn't mind at all that he was quiet. Thats what made him a good listener. See, he's a bit of a good boy. You know." she pauses to smile to herself, describing the boy she truly cares about. The boy who's suffering a loss now, and will have to deal with an even greater bearings later. And it will be all because of me.
"You miss him, don't you?" I affirm, "I'm sorry. It's my fault for asking."
"No Harry, I can't let myself forget him. As much as I'd like to believe it, it wouldn't help me anyways."
"I know what you mean love. You can't dwell on someone forever. But if it's genuine, they're guaranteed to find their way back to you. I guess things will just be a little complicated for now."
"It's alright" she pauses quickly, and looks up trustingly, "I'm ready to move on"
"Good. Cause you've been fucking playing with me this entire time. It just makes me want to bend you over a desk and-"
"Harry! You big pervert!" She scolds, whacking me in the shin with her gold club.
"Oww!" I cry.
She rolls her eyes.
"Don't be such a baby"
I pull my best pout and her lips draw upwards into a smile.
"Hey, and thanks for sticking up for the lads and I today. Louis and Zayn wanted me to give you their thanks too. But in all of honesty, you don't think I try too hard do you?" I can't help but ask.
"You definitely try to hard. Trying to get me to go out with you that is" she smiles, "over achiever"
"Better than to be an under achiever" I state.
"True. I wouldn't settle for one of those" she teases.
I tap my gold ball into the fifth hole. We're coming to the end of the course.
"Who's winning?" I ask.
She looks on her sheet.
"I am"
"Alright we should probably call it a night" I say, picking up her ball and club for her.
I return the stuff and we walk back to the golf cart.

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