Recklessness, Small victories, and the circle of virgins

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Luna's POV

"I want you as my girlfriend Miss Jones."

I wince, feeling like I'd been hit by a bus.

I could say anything to answer that.

Except for no.

I can't make him feel bad.

That would be Roxanne-ish.

At least I have sympathy.

I'm still overwhelmed with what happened earlier.

I feel ashamed that I can win over millions of fans; male and female.

But I can't even acquire the friendship and trust of Roxanne.

There is no way I'm losing the both of them.

I'm not going to let that happen on my account.

But I'm not sure if I'm even ready for a relationship.

I don't want to get to distracted from my friends and my priorities.

But I can't say that will happen.

Lily spends a lot of time with Harry but she still has time for Roxanne and I.

And I see her when all of us hangout.

I wish I could say the same for Roxanne.

I put my friends before everything else; my daily cardio, my vocal excercising, my love life...

I don't want to lose them.

They mean so much to me even if they couldn't say the same for me.

I'm sure Lily could.

But a part of me still acquires that juvenile reluctance.

I also don't want to lose HIM as a friend.

I swore to myself I wouldn't ever do favorites, but if I did then he would be high up there on my list.

"But I'll miss the sarcasm" I state.

He just chuckles.

"Luna I think that's something here to stay."

I sigh then lower my voice.

"But what if it's weird."

"Weirder than you mistaking the condoms for bandaids, love?" He retorts casually.

"They were in the medicine cabinet!" I whine, "and I didn't know what they were.."

"Of course you didn't."

"Are you being sarcastic?"

"Oh no, never" he fibs.

I roll my eyes.

"Anyways.." He continues, "You don't have to make a decision now. I'll let you ease into it like a pair of trousers, yeah?"

"I don't wear trousers."

"Pants I mean, my apologies Lu."

Part of me holds back, except holding back is for chumps just like people who don't have credit karma.

And how bad could things get?

I'm like an angel compared to my friends, not to flatter myself or anything.

But living in such a confined space, we're all sick of each other.

Especially Roxane.

But at the same time I might be doing something good for myself.

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