On the road again (not rly)

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Luna's POV

I wake up to my phone vibrating which scares the crap out of me and I almost fall out of bed.

Squeaks 🐀

I'll have waffles with some tea and sugar ;)

The hell is that winky face in there for.

I sigh.

I wish I wouldn't have lost that stupid game.

Zayn is probably rubbing Roxanne's feet right now.

Stupid Roxanne.

I plug the waffle maker in the outlet in the kitchen and put the batter in.

Why am I making him breakfast in bed?

This isn't the 1950's.

I dump some of the chocolate chips in the waffle mix and press it down, getting the jam out of the fridge.

The last time I made someone breakfast in bed was when I was 16 and it was Mother's Day.

I bet my brother doesn't do it for her now.

I hear someone walk into the kitchen and turn around.

Lily holds a few of Harry's shirts in her hands.

They're a bit wrinkled.

"Lu, do you know how to iron?"

I burst into laughter.

"That's what he's making you do?!"

"Oh be quiet."

The tea kettle hisses and I set it on a hot plate.

I enjoy cooking and baking in a sense so this labor shouldn't be too bad for me.

I'm just kind of scared for what other things he's going to make me do.

I check the sugar jar which is completely empty after Lily made brownies last night.

Maybe I should bring him salt instead.

Nah, I'm not that mean.

I set the tray of waffles and tea on the counter and help Lily unfold the ironing board.

"Now that parts hot so don't touch it. And turn it off when you're done" I tell her after showing her how to use it.

I open the door to Louis's room and pick the tray up off the floor when I'm done.

Sorry Liam.

But Liam isn't in bed.

His sheets are folded nicely just like Lily's side.

And then there's the other half.

The sink is running in the bathroom and it smells like men's shaving cream.

I take a seat on his bed.

It's relatively neat.

He comes out of the bathroom and then smirks when he sees me.

I realize that there's still scruff on his face.

I raise a brow.

"What were you shaving, your armpits?"

"Good morning to you too love."

I roll my eyes.

"I made your waffles. Do I have to do anything else for you?"

"That's good for now."

I get up and brush off my shorts.

It was the first time I wore shorts in awhile actually.

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