Plane rides to the West Coast

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Luna's POV

"Was Zayn's family nice?" Lily whispers to Roxanne once we're on the bus.

She nods,
"They all were."

"Did they like you?" I ask.

"Mhm, just as much as my own family."

Lil and I exchange a look.

"Seriously?" Roxanne growls.

"How about your sisters?" I ask Lily.

She smiles,
"Darcy and Charolette, sweet as always. The twins haven't changed at all though. What about Kristoff?"

"Ugh," I groan, "He's still an idiot."

We all cram together in the elevator which isn't fun at 8:00 a.m.

I feel dehydrated and exhausted.

"There's a weight limit" Louis says, "Roxanne, you and your ass might have to take the stairs."

"Fuck you."

The door clicks open and we pile out.

Liam jams the key in the slot, twisting it open.

Natalie, Briggs, and the rest of the team are already there.

Aestheticians, designers, trainers, songwriters, bodyguards, co-managers, and two others i dont recognize.

Luckily, I haven't seen Simon yet.

There's at least twenty people without him.

"Alright, now that you're back we're going to get to work right away" Natalie directs.

"Great" I hear someone mumble.

"Our flight leaves in forty five minutes.

We'll be taking a cab unless anyone has other forms of transportation."

"I'm taking my car" Louis declares, "Harry, I suggest you do the same."

"What about Zayn?" Niall asks.

"Dunno' what about him?" Harry inquires.

"Management will take care of his motorcycle" Julian affirms.

"Alright, Lil, Liam and Niall can come with me" Harry decides.

The three stand at his side.

"I'll take everyone else" Louis states, "C'mere Lu."

I do as I'm told, following at his heels.

"Don't be late" Natalie snaps.

She has unusually short-tempered PMS today.

Lily's POV

"Fuck yes!" Niall shouts, "We're outta here!"

I let out a chuckle.

Harry shakes his head in disapproval yet he grins widely.

"Did your sisters like having you back?"

He asks me as we walk into the parking lot.

"Half of them" I laugh, watching Niall swing open the door of Harry's sports car.

"Niall, I believe you should let Lily sit in the front" Liam says.

"I believe not" he states.

"Ni, all in good manners."

"It's alright" I state.

Harry looks dumbfounded.

Probably because I'll be sitting in the back with Liam while Niall's got shotgun.

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