Take me out tonight

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Luna's POV

Lily frames all her tumblry pictures by her bed, and does the rest up with white lights.

I feel bad cutting the album covers off the vinyl paper record cases.

There's at least 20 wasted records.

Sitting on the floor in my yellow sundress, I stack the pile and stack them into two.

Lily's; The 1975, Halsey, etc.

Mine; Lana, Marina, etc.

"Do you want nirvana or radio head?" I ask her.

"I'll take nirvana."

After arranging them on my wall, I string up the little pink lights while Lily has her white ones.

Then on my nightstand I set a few books and a candle.

I stick paper butterflies of pastel hues around my mirror.

I place one last thing next to my bed, a Mason Jar brimmed with pansies which Louis had fun pilfering from Natalie's garden.

Lily's side looks a lot more tumblr than mine.

Everything DIY and crud like that.

The album covers are above her bed like mine are and candles and a case of makeup on her night stand.

The lights frame one of her wall but nothing is centered in the middle.

"What are you going to put in there?" I ask her.

She shrugs.

"I haven't decided yet."

Niall sits between Roxanne and I during dinner that day.

"You smell really good" he tells her, invading her space practically.

"And expensive too" Louis adds.

"Harry bought me some perfume I wanted after he was an asshole on Wednesday" she explains.

"It was like 400 dollars" Harry snorts.

Lily looks down at her sandals uneasily.

I feel bad because I know I'd feel the same in that situation.

Zayn doesn't look that content either.

Dinner ends with mixed emotions from everyone.

Harry follows Lily.

He doesn't seem to understand she needs her privacy.

Zayn and Roxanne enter the living room while Liam declares he's going out for awhile.

Niall decides to tag along with him.

I realize that I don't really have anything to do.

"Lu, do you wanna go out tomorrow?" Louis asks nonchalantly, from atop the white table.

"Sure," I oblige, "Where we going?"

He looks down at his MacBook, opened to twitter.


"Why don't you tell all your fake friends then" I say, addressing the website, "I'm sure they'd like to know."

"Our fans," he corrects, "will know right after the paps do."

"I think I like 'fake friends' better."

He rolls his eyes.

"I'm sorry I haven't had time for you lately, love. Julian and the she-devil keep us lads quite busy."

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