The New York Shopping Experience

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Luna's POV

"How many songs has One Direction written?" I ask Liam as the eight of us walk towards the studio.
"Well the lads and I are working on two together which will be released before the new album. I've been writing a few in my spare time and so has Louis. And I believe Harry and Julian are putting something together as well."
I nod. I would think Zayn would be writing something too. He seems pretty eloquent. And he should have the spare time considering he and Roxanne sneak out 24/7.
In fact, I'm not even sure were they are right now. We were all supposed to be at the recording studio by twelve. At least that's what I thought.
Natalie, Julian, Jamie, and Ruth-Anne sit around the long meeting table. Their attention snaps to us as the door closes abruptly behind Lily and Harry.
The solemn look on Natalie's face converts to her usual inviting grin. Her cheekbones lift and she beckons us over to join them at the table.
"Is everyone here?" she asks, eyeing the two empty seats. Roxanne and Zayn.
"Roxanne Rodriguez and Zayn Malik" Julian states, his light eyes briefly skimming the paperwork.
"Have you any idea where they are?" Jamie inquires calmly.
The six of us exchange a knowing glance.
"Something tells me you do" Ruth-Anne remarks impatiently.
"They're sleeping" Lily covers.
"Pfft..together" Louis cracks. He and Niall both convulse with stifled laughter in their seats.
"I suppose we'll just have to get started considering neither of them care enough to take part in their careers" Natalie huffs her annoyance.
Julian clears his throat, signifying his desire to speak.
"We've been working a good three weeks on this album. Therefore, a well portion of it has been completed. I give my thanks to Mr. Payne and Mr. Tomlinson for dedicating themselves for writing many of these songs with us. Mr. Styles as well."
The three of them nod in modest acknowledgment.
"This being said, we'd like to give you a bit of a break" Jamie continues, "You've shown to us you've earned it. Therefore, we will continue after New Years. Well done to all of you."
Natalie clasps her hands together and lets out a little squeal, unable to contain her excitement.
"And I have a surprise for you all too. You have a visitor."
"A visitor?" Lily ponders.
We all exchange a glance.
Who could possibly be visiting us?

"Simon Cowell."
The stout man stands before us, suitcase in hand.
"Well hello there lasses and lads" he greets, "It's been awhile, hasn't it? Good to see you all together again."
"Simon will be staying with us the rest of our time in New York, isn't that great?! He's come all the way from London to survey your new album. And with his help, we'll have it done in a few weeks or so!"
I frown.
I don't want Simon staying with us.
As if tolerating Louis and Roxanne weren't already enough.
"He is staying with the rest of management right?" I ask.
"Well.." Natalie trails off, "Most of our management team occupies the third floor but until we can check out another room, Mr. Cowell will have to share space with you. It'll only be for a short while it course."
I can't actually be hearing this.
Simon's assistant, or more so his slave, takes his luggage and exits the room.
"You are all dismissed. Now show Mr. Cowell to his room if you would" Julian instructs.
I probably wouldn't have listened to him if he didn't look so much like Jesus.

Lily's POV

I don't think any of us are pleased with the idea Simon Cowell is staying in our penthouse. We wouldn't want him to see more than half the things we do.
He'll break a lot of intimacy between us because who wants to be mid-way into a make out session when your boss is standing only five feet away from you? Zayn and Roxanne are probably going to have to tone it down a little too. That'll probably make the two of them most pissed out of all of us. Maybe not Zayn, but I've known Roxanne long enough to know what she likes, and what pisses her off.
Liam presses the button on the elevator, and we all stood there for what had to be the most awkward fifteen seconds of my life.
There's a mix of expression on everyone's face. Luna scuffles her boots on the carpet, scowling at the ground. Liam just sighs, hands in his pockets, looking a bit disappointed if anything. The other three don't fail to show their irritability.
We step inside the crammed thing.
"Weight limit; 2,025 pounds," Luna reads.
She looks at Simon with a straight face, "Simon, your gonna have to get out."
The boys burst into laughter while I just roll my eyes.
"That's Mr. Cowell to you Jones" he snaps.
She raises her hands in pantomime.
"Anyways," he starts while eyeing Luna carefully, "How've you all been?"
"Oh just fuggin' peachy until our boss dropped in to babysit us" Niall replies.
I'd assume he'd get reprimanded for swearing, but I guess Simon's used to it coming from an Irish boy.
"Yeah, you don't need to worry about us Si, we're doing fine on our own" Louis explains.
Simon raises a brow.
"I think we can all second that" Harry defends.
Everyone nods their agreement.
"I'm not here to watch you. I think it's very clear that that is Mrs. Porter's job, yes? I'll be gone once your album is done, so the more productive you are the sooner I'll have left. And as we are on the topic of production.." He trails off.
"Production?" Niall laughs, "Like the shit I producted a few hours ago in the john?"
"Thanks for that Ni" Harry says.
"What I mean to see is; I hope none of you are engaging yourselves in the same raunchy and promiscuous behavior a few of you are."
Zayn and Roxanne.
"What does that mean?" Louis asks, either out of his own stupidity or to torment Luna.
Simon folds his hands together.
"Perhaps I wasn't blunt enough" he clears his throat and plasters a grin to his face, "Disregarding Zayn and Roxanne, How many of you beautiful couples have had intercourse?"
"What the heck Simon?! You honestly think I'm as low as that!" Luna goes off, "Your supposed to be our boss! Why would you-"
"I just wouldn't want any of you ending up like Zayn and Roxanne. Now that wouldn't be very good. And now that it's out.." He trails off.
"Zayn and Roxanne can take care of themselves" Harry defends, "They've snuck out enough to confirm it."
He's so stupid.
"Oh it's not like I haven't known" Simon addresses our horrified expressions, "In fact, I don't need to be miles away to know what's been happening between the two of you, it always gets back to me."
There's a queer silence that fills the elevator.
"Oh please,"Luna scoffs, "Are you guys honestly gonna believe this old geezer?"
Louis shrugs,
"I wouldn't underestimate him, love.
The guys a dark lord."
Simon rolls his beady eyes.
The elevator stops a floor above ours. I pray that it's one of our management team. I'd hate to be stuck in here with a fan while Simon continues to nose his way into our business.
Though when then the door does open, it's not who I would expect at all.
Zayn and Roxanne.
"Uh..hi" she greets awkwardly, stepping in. Zayn reciprocates her action, standing beside Harry and I at the front of the elevator. I wouldn't blame him for wanting to get out as soon as possible.
"Hello Miss Rodriguez, Mr. Malik, you both are aware of an important meeting you've missed, yes?" Simon inquires.
Roxanne lets out a snort of dissatisfaction.
"Gee, I wish I could've came but I left the fuck I gave back in the studio" she whispers to me.
I chuckle.
But I can't say I'd missed her brooding and shitty attitude.

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